天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
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目前分類:【英格蘭】劍橋 Cambridge (6)

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After my punting experience, it was time for tea. The day's schedule was aboslutely packed! I barely had time to breath! But all had been great! And the day couldn't have ended any better, than with a scone and a cup of tea.


天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()


既然來到了劍橋,怎麼能夠不來puting一下呢?雖然大家都知道來劍橋要punting一下,但大家對punting了解多少呢?好啦!我承認我也是去Wiki一下才了解的!XD 其實不是每個河道都適合punting。因為他是用桿子再推動的,而不是用槳。因為劍橋的這條河剛好夠淺。而且沿途可以欣賞到許多古老建築。因此punting成了劍橋的一大特色!

When you come to Cambridge, you cannot miss out the opportunity to do a bit of punting. Although it is a universally known truth, that you must punt in Cambridge, just how much do you actually know about punting? Apparently, you can't punt in any random river. The river has to be shallow enough for the pole to reach the bottom, because that's what's pushing the boat, instead of oars. Also, the historic building along the river also make punting quite a passtime while in Cambridge. 


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這是劍橋Walking Tour的後半段。上圖中所見到的,是稍後要划船的地點。不過請稍安勿躁,先來瞧瞧女王學院吧。

This is the second part of the Cambridge walking tour. The photo above is a picture of the place to be if you wish to go punting. That's for later, though. Let's focus on Queen's College first for now.


天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

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這裡就是著名的國王學院。始建於1441年,由亨利六世建立。天仙對這裡最深的映象,就是每年聖誕節會聽的King's College Choir所演唱的聖誕歌曲。因為已經聽了好幾年,終於有榮幸一睹國王學院的壯觀建築時,心裡感到格外的興奮。抵達第一天,連內部都沒觀賞到,就急忙著想要看到建築外觀。直到隔天才有機會真得進去內部觀賞。

Alas, this is the famous King's College, founded in 1441 by Henry VI. The deepest impression I had of the place, came from the Christmas carols that I would listen to every year by the college's choir. After so many years, I finally had the chance to see the building with my own eyes. It was such an unforgettable moment. Although I did not get to see the interior on the first day of my arrival, I couldn't wait to see the actual building anyway! I waited till the next day to really enjoy the interior of this magnificent buliding.


天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()



Don't ask me why I chose this Bed and Breakfast. For a certain unspeakable reason, I had to provide the address of my accommodation. But the dilemma was that I didn't know the place, and everywhere seemed to look either close enough or too far away from downtown. It seemed like this place was not that far off from downtown, but after getting off the train, I had to walk in the rain for about an hour before actually finding the place! This is the second B&B experience for me, throughout the entire time in the UK (including the time during my postgrad studies). A part from being a bit far from downtown, I have to say, the experience was actually quite pleasant! What's interesting is that the owners of both B&B where I stayed are non-British! The owner of my first B&B was French, and the owner of this place is Polish, I think. 


天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



Every time you arrive at a new and unexplored place, there is a mixture of excitement, and anxiety of it being a let-down. Especially, when you visit a popular place, it's easy to have high expectations and your mind wanders off in its own imagination of what the place would be like. A single traveller, treading gently, enjoying every moment in solitude. Because in this new place, you yourself is the one with whom you are most intimate. 


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