
來到利物浦,即使你不是披頭迷,也一定不能錯過最具有特色的Cavern Quarter。對於披頭迷來說,更是絕對不能錯過的朝聖點!Mathew Street就位於市中心。非常好找。只要找的到大型購物廣場Liverpool 1,就一定找的到。今天就來跟大家介紹一下Cavern Quarter到底有什麼好玩的。

Even if you are not a big-time Beatles fan, The Cavern Quarter is still a must-see for all visitors to Liverpool.  And if you are, then there is absolutely no reason for you to miss out the Mecca for all Beatles fans!  Mathew Street is located in the heart of city centre.  It is very easy to find.  If you can find your way to Liverpool 1, you will not miss it.  Let's see what the Cavern Quarter is all about.

Hard Day's Night Hotel




Hard Day's Night Hotel is a four star hotel themed with the Beatles.  It is listed as Grade II of city centre buildings.  One of my good friend's bloke [colloquial for man/boyfriend...] works in the restuarant in the hotel.  However, none of us has ever dared to walk in and dine there.  After all, it is a four star hotel, and and you can just imagine what the price of the meals would be like.  My friend did tell me that during special occasions, like Christmas Eve, Valentine's Day, and Mothers Day, etc... the place would always have full bookings. 

You can see, though very vaguely, that at the bottom left hand side, there is a gallery situated on the ground floor of the hotel.  To be frank, I think 'gallery' is only a euphemism for 'souvenir shop'.  I walked by early in the day, and it was still closed.  But then, even if it was open, I probably wouldn't buy anything either. It's cheaper to take photos, as of always.

On the front side of the building, there stand our four Liverpudlian Beatles boys.

John Lennon 約翰藍儂

George Harrison 喬治哈里森

Paul McCartney 保羅麥卡里

Ringo Star 林格史塔 [可憐的Ringo...這個名字翻譯的最爛....]

旅館左方的小街道就是所謂的Cavern Quarter。為何前面會提到說這是每個披頭四迷朝聖的主要景點之一呢?因為Cavern Quarter裡有兩間『Cavern』。一間是Pub、另一間是Club。兩間都是以披頭四的音樂為主題的場所。不過兩者差異非常大。The Cavern Pub不用入場費。每天晚上都有人現場演唱披頭四以及其他歌手的經典名曲。

On the left hand side of the hotel, is Mathew Street.  That is where it's better known as 'The Cavern Quarter'.  Why is this a Mecca for all Beatles fans?  Well, I'm going to start off by explaining that there are two 'Caverns'.  One is called a 'pub', and the other 'club'.  Both of them, obviously, are Beatles-themed.  However, they differ significantly. The pub does not charge entrance fees.  Every night, there is live performance of mainly Beatles music, but also others as well.

John Lennon outside the Cavern Pub 約翰藍儂雕像

不過因為pub跟club都叫『Cavern』,別說是觀光客了!就連我自己都到了好幾個月才發現,真正經典的還是The Cavern CLUB。雖然入場要錢[但不貴],但是每個禮拜四,都會有很讚的披頭四音樂現場演唱。我朋友是披頭四迷。他兩間都去過。從他口中聽到說The Cavern Club非去不可,可信度應該很高囉!

Because they are both called 'The Cavern', it took even me, who is not, strictly speaking, a tourist, a few months to figure out the difference.  You can miss out on the pub, but you can't miss out the club.  Although they charge a quid or two for entry, if you are in on a Thursday night, you are bound to have a very unforgettable Beatles night.  My best friend has been there a couple of times.  Seeing that he is a big-time Beatles fan, if he says it's a must-go, then I'd take his word for it.

The Cavern Club

The Cavern Club在1957年開幕。除了每週四的經典表演不容錯過之外,其實它是朝聖點的最主要原因是因為,披頭四曾在此演唱過一段時間。

The club was opened in 1957.  But I have not told you the main reason why this is a Mecca for all Beatles fans.  The reason! is because... the Cavern CLUB is where the Beatles actually performed for quite a long time!

Hard Day's Night Hotel
What's On at the Cavern Club

天仙念:去年十月我就曾在【足球】The Torres Myth 一文提到那部關於Torres的廣告作假。影片中想突顯Torres對利物浦當地的影響有多深。家家戶戶掛上西班牙國旗。餐廳到處開始供應西班牙小菜[tapas]。就連The Cavern都想改成西班牙文'La Caverna'。最後這張照片就是影片作假的證據啦!





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