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"I am King Henry VIII" 『我是英國國王亨利八世』

This is the special exhibition that I had missed out on during my 2009 trip to London. At the time, I didn't think that I would have the chance to see it, even if I could come back to London. But I did. And I considered myself very fortunate. 


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King Henry VIII may be the one king that most people are more familiar with (with the exception of George VI after the release of the King's Speech...). This famous/infamous Tudor King who is probably best known for the foundation of the Church of England, and his many unsuccessful marriages. I think it is a bit sarcastic, though, that the King who had sent so many traitors to be locked and/or beheaded here, now has an exhibition of his armours in this very same place. 


But I don't think I should waste any more time on the history, and deprive you the joy of enjoying this special exhibition - 'Dressed to Kill.' 

不過歷史課上完了,現在就來認真看特展:『Dressed to Kill』

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This used to be the toilet... 這原本是個馬桶... 

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Jousting 長槍比武

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Experiencing zone 體驗區

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The Mint 造幣的

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The secret design of the coins. 英國硬幣的特別設計~

To be continued...



天仙念:圖片真的太多... 好一點的相機,反而更不好選照片... 只好全都貼出來 @@


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