

大家都知道英國大文豪莎士比亞。即使你對英國文化不了解,從來沒讀過英國的文學,或甚至連英文都不是你的好朋友,你都一定有聽過莎士比亞。但是如果沒有接觸過英國文學,甚至連念英美文學長大的人都比較少接觸到莎士比亞同時期的競爭對手 - Christopher Marlowe。其實他是寫"Doctor Faustus"「浮士德」的作者。而且要不是年紀輕輕在酒吧遇害,很多學者認為他未來的發展應該是可以比莎士比亞還要優秀的。因此也有很多傳說產生。許多文學作品也繞著這個傳說,編寫出他為什麼會遇害。電影「莎翁情史」裡有一個片段就是莎士比亞與Marlowe在酒吧遇到,Marlowe還指點了莎士比亞,給他一點寫作的方向。其實他的故事挺有趣的,作品也跟莎士比亞是不相上下的。有興趣者可以去Wiki一下,或甚至找一下浮士德的中譯本(注意,不是歌德的版本喔!歌德寫的是小說,Marlowe寫的是劇本)來讀看看。

Everyone knows Shakespeare. Even if you are unfamiliar with English culture, or have never approached English literature, even those who have not yet befriended the English language, would surely have heard of Shakespeare at some point. However, if you have not had contact with English literature, well, even those who are native English speakers, only get to know Marlowe on rare occassions. Christopher Marlowe is the playwright who wrote 'Doctor Faustus', not to be confused with Goethe's 'Faustus'. Scholars believe that if he had not been murdered at an early age, he had the potential to become even more than what Shakespeare had become. Because of this, many myths and legends were born. Writings of fiction and nonfiction surrounds the plot of why he had been murdered, and who the plotters were. In the film 'Shakespeare in Love', there is also a scene where the lost Shakespeare found Marlowe at a pub, and Marlowe gave him a few pointers as to how to go about with his next play. His story is intriguing, and his works are not incomparable to Shakespeare's. I recommend those who are interested to at least Wiki him, or even find a modern edition of 'Doctor Faustus' to read. 


坎特伯里其實就是Marlowe的出生地。也因為如此,坎特伯里建造的這座戲劇院,也命名為Marlowe Theatre. 當我2009年論文剛交出去,還在英國遊蕩時,這個戲劇院還在趕工中。當我2010去的時候,他當然也還沒建好。不過輪廓都已經出來了!

Canterbury is the birthplace of Marlowe. And because of this, they named their theatre after the playwright. After handing in my dissertation in September, 2009, I went on a tour for two weeks. Back then, the theatre was still under construction. When I came back here in 2010, of course, it was not finished, yet. However, you could already see the bone structure of the building. 



Other than the theatre itself, the place is filled with little places that contain 'Marlowe' codes, waiting to be uncovered by you! 



For the playwright who, sadly, died very young.

04.jpg Faustus 浮士德

05.jpg Tamburlaine 

06.jpg Edward II 愛德華二世


These are all works of Marlowe. 


雖然沒能親眼看到劇場完工,但是我友人在遷離坎特伯里前,寄了幾張完工後的照片給我。為了跟大家分享,也徵求他的同意,放上這裡與大家分享。天仙希望有一天能夠進去Marlowe Theatre,看一場Marlowe創作的劇作~

Even though it's quite a pity not to be able to see the finished theatre with my own eyes, my friend in Canterbury had kindly sent me some photos of the completed theatre. And in order to share this with more people, I've asked her permission to use some of them here on my blog. I hope one day, I get to visit Marlowe Theatre, and see a Marlowe play! 



最佳代言人(噗!)Perfect advocate~ 


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