
The annual luncheon of the University of Liverpool Taiwan Alumni took place this year on the 24th of March at National University of Tainan. The main coordinators of the event are the fresh graduates of 2011, and the alumni association assisted in organizing. There were a total of 31 alumni attending the event this year. 


Alumni Ambassador for Taiwan, Sandy, convened meetings at the beginning of Februrary to discuss related matters. Since the President of our Alumni Association, Ms. Huang, currently hold the position of President of National University of Tainan, Tainan became the ideal place for the luncheon this year. The alumni ambassador played the role of bridging communication among Liverpool University Alumni Office, Ms. Huang, and also the coordinators of the event. The new graduates of 2011 formed a team to design activities during the luncheon, and Ms. Huang kindly took care of the venue and catering issues.

很可惜本次餐會由於校友代表,Hannah Stelman因行程上的安排無法配合所以無緣參加,不過Hannah精心準備了一段影片,在餐會上與我們分享他想對我們說的話。

Unfortunately, Taiwan representative, Hannah Stelman, of the International Team couldn't make it to the luncheon this year. However, she did manage to say a few words to the alumni through a pre-videoed clip.


The luncheon commenced at 11:30. Ms. Huang gave all attendees a warm welcome with her greetings. April, the 2011 Student Association President, annuonced the start of the luncheon. Ms. Huang delivered a few words, expressing her desire to regiest our association as a formal association with the Ministry of the Interior. Sandy, who is also the vice-president of the alumni association, shared in her remarks, the short visit of Pro-Vice Chancellor of the University of Liverpoool, Professor Michael Hoey, where he had stated his dream of alumni associations around the world, forming funds to assist students in need achieve their dream of studying abroad. If this is the ultimate goal of the association, then formalising the association is an inevitable step. 


Whilst enjoying the meal, two different activities took place. These were designed to reminisce Liverpool, and also motivate a closer interaction among the alumni. The first activity involved a slideshow of pictures of the city, each team had to answer questions related to these slides. 


Pictures of each alumnus/a were taken before the commencement of the luncheon. This was in preparation of the second activity. Everyone gave a brief introduction of themselves, and after the end of the first activity, points were given to whoever can tell a bit about the alumnus/a whose picture was displayed on the screen. It was a convenient way for everyone to get to know a bit more about each other.


After the luncheon, Ms. Huang asked the alumni to fill in forms, so as to prepare for formal registration. Also, in consideration of the number of alumni in Taipei, Ms Huang has appointed another vice-president in order to decrease the work load of the current vice-president. Professor Jia-Chang Wang had been appointed that position. Also, Shen had been appointed secretary, Jeremy and Peggy, the MC pair of the day, had been assigned to take care of activity designing for future events, and April had been appointed treasury. With these extra positions appointed, the alumni association hopes to offer better services to the alumni community. At the end of the event, Ms Huang heartily said goodbye to each and every attendee, and also sent everyone home with a souvenir she had personally prepared.  


Next year, the annual luncheon is to be held in Taipei. Hopefully, those who had missed out on the previous two luncheons will have the time to join us. Please help us become better each year!  

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