雖然過生日的那一整天老天很給面子的只下了幾滴雨,到了隔天,終究還是下了雨。因為是機遊,雖然穿著雨衣,不過這雨水透過騎車的風速打在臉上還真是疼啊~ 所以決定了這天的行程不要排太多。早點回台北好了。只是,原本預計要去蘭陽博物館,但到了才發現兩個人身上都沒現金了!一問之下得知也不能刷卡。於是我們用信用卡買了杯咖啡,喝了之後就準備去覓食了。沒想到餐廳也是只收現金的!只好就先騎車去找個最近的提款機先領錢再說。領了錢之後決定還是回到烏石漁港那兒去吃好了!也懶得再找別間了。我說少了那麼點兒人情味的意思,就是原本第一回拉客的時候,感覺還挺熱情的。怎麼看我們特地跑去領錢還願意回來,卻一點都沒有被我們感動到耶!唉!真是千金難買早知道啊!

It had been nice all day during my birthday, and for this, I was sincerely thankful. We weren't so lucky the next day. Since we were on our scooter, with the speed of the scooter, the raindrops were quite painful when they hit your face. We decided to curtail our second day and return to Taipei sooner than we had originally anticipated. However, when we got to the Ilan Museum, we realised that we had used up all our cash, and that they didn't accept credit cards... So we paid our coffee with our credit card, and decided to head to lunch. Little did we know, the restaurants didn't accept credit cards either! It was enevitable that we had to get some cash. So we hopped on the scooter, found an ATM, and got some cash. Then, we went back to the restaurant, thinking they'd be so touched that we came back. Well, they weren't at all touched. If I had known they were such ungrateful dudes, we should've just went to the one next to it... 



Oh well! Since we were hungry, we might as well... 



After we made our order, they told us because of construction work, the electricity would be out. I know this was not their fault, but somehow, I was still feeling a bit cranky about how they were not at all touched by our return.



First up - cold chicken. There were only two of us, and seeing that this was one of my all time favorites, I ate as much as I could! Very satisfying!



Fried clams. Tasted normal. I think I've been spoiled by my aunt's fried clams, so I rarely find other places' fried clams any good.



Fried sea veggies. I was a bit stunned by the meat in the veggie dish. But, it was sort of expected in these places, I guess.


海鮮炒麵。好像還挺不錯的。不過在寫這篇的過程,我一直對他們沒有很感動我們回來這件事情很在意耶 XD

Seafood fried noodles. It was rather good. But even until now, during the write up of this article, I'm still holding my grudge against them!



I know it was the day after my birthday. But the trip wasn't over! So the beer was totally justifiable!



And since drinking and driving don't go together, and somebody had to get on that scooter... all that beer went straight down my throat! 

天仙念:結帳的時候我有跟老闆娘說我們領錢完還特別回來。結果老闆娘說要賞我們一盤水果... 是說,水果不是本來就有的喔!?


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