

I don't have much experiences with in-flight meals, but the in-flight meals of Thai Airways, are the ones that I never had problems with before. We didn't mean to choose Thai Airways this time. It just happened to be the most affordable, and time-wise, most convenient. That's why we had to spend one night at the airport. The connecting flight was early next morning. Since the flight didn't take that long, we didn't mind the plane being so small when we saw the aircraft. We just wanted to get to our destination! After all, we did choose the cheaper tickets, what can we expect?



After take off, we immediately asked for some wine, hoping that we'd fall right into sleep after the meal. I knew what no matter how quiet the airport would be, I won't be sleeping that well. 



Although the aircraft was a small Airbus, the facilities were quite new! You can charge your phones! After take off, you can also turn your phone on and access the music or other files from your phone. Since our flight was not that long, I didn't bother to check whether this particular flight provided wifi. But even though you might not be able to turn it on, at least you'll have a fully charged battery when you arrive at your destination!



Other than the USB plug, there was, of course, our very own entertainment systems. You didn't need to stretch your neck like a giraffe, or worry about the tall guy in front of you blocking your view. Choose your own movies to watch (most of them have Chinese subtitled versions). If you're not in the mood for movies, then why not play a game, or just listen to some music of your own choice?



Finally! It was meal time. Since I used to be a vegetarian, I knew that special meals had to be ordered when you purchase your ticket. Then, you'll get to have your meal before everyone else! I intended to order seafood special meal this time (still don't eat pork, lamb, nor beef), but somehow it slipped my mind. So we ended up eating the same meals as everyone else. And I was so excited to get the meal! I thought I would be tasting some Thai cooking before we even got there!



After opening the foil, I was really disappointed to find a Taiwanese dish... It wasn't bad! It was just that I had really wanted to have something Thai instead!



And my tummy was ready to be on vacation too, so the belly is opening up for all the yummy pork dishes to come in!


這蛋糕看起來就不是我的菜。吃了一口,果然不是我的菜 XD

Judging from the look of this cake, I knew I wouldn't like it. After having a bite... I was right... 



The bun was so much better.


後來還是有小睡了一下。到了曼谷之後,已經十一點多快午夜了。在台時因為不想多耗掉一天假去辦簽證,所以就決定多花一點錢圖方便,到了機場再辦落地簽。結果抵達曼谷後,雖然有點小興奮,不過看到一堆人都愁眉苦臉的實在覺得很掃興。不過我還是笑著用泰文道謝。一邊又跟我的同行夥伴說:這是曼谷!你去到清邁就知道有多麼不一樣了!雖然已經很晚了,不過曼谷人要加油啊!不要枉費你們"Land of Smiles"之稱啊!

We did manage to get some sleep. It was almost midnight when we got to Bangkok. When we were still in Taiwan, I didn't want to waste a day off dealing with the visa, so we decided to get our visa upon arrival. It was such a big disappointment to see all the poker faces at the airport, but I still smiled and thanked everyone in Thai. I also convinced my travel partner, that this was Bangkok! And that Chiang Mai would be a lot different! Although I understand that it had been late, but Bangkok people, you must not ruin the reputation of your 'Land of Smiles', okay?



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