
當全台都在瘋全X芒果霜淇淋、全世界都在瘋Häagen-Dazs、Cold Stone等...,天仙心理念念不忘的還是小時候在清邁熟悉的Dairy Queen。上次參加Canada Day慶祝活動得知原來台灣已經有開分店了!這天像發了瘋似的直接跑來遠的要命的天母來一探究竟。當時看DM得知在天母設立第一間分店的時候,我就覺得真的是個好策略!因為這裡就離美國學校不遠。即使孩子們不知道,家長們一定都會知道。從這裡先開發市場,測水溫的策略其實滿聰明的說!開玩笑!這間可是標榜「股神巴菲特最愛」的冰淇淋店呢!

When the entire world goes insane over Häagen-Dazs or Cold Stone ice creams, the only ice cream I really missed was Dairy Queen. I used to have their ice cream all the time back in Chiang Mai. When I found out on Canada Day that Dairy Queen had already opened up in Taipei, we were so excited that we took this exlusive trip just to get a taste of it! They couldn't have chosen a better location as their trial... as this one was right by the Taipei American School. Even if the kids don't know about it, the parents would no doubt miss the taste of this scrumptious ice cream. There is no kidding in saying that it is, after all, Warren Buffett's favourite ice cream place (allegedly).



人潮不算多但也不算少。還在可以接受的範圍。我目測了一下大家點的東西,幾乎都是我沒吃過的。其實這是因為來Dairy Queen,我只會點一種:Oreo Blizzard

After checking online, I found out that the place was opened in December 2013. I could not believe I did not hear a single word about the place! When we had our last Dairy Queen in Thailand, we thought it would be a really long time until our next Dairy Queen! Never would've thought that a shop would already have opened right here in Taipei! 

I wouldn't exactly describe the place as packed when we got there, but there was quite a crowd. I looked around to see what everyone was having, and only a few ordered my favourite blizzard. 

The other half demonstrating - served upside down or it's free


Please don't tell me that this is exactly the same as the thing you get at Mc, because it's not. It's far from it! 



The coupon we got the other day gave us a mini for free. I guess it was enough for a knocked-up lady like me, so I would have the mini, and the other half could have whatever he wished. He also ordered a blizzard in the end, except, it was M&M flavoured.



Despite it's rather steep price, it's quite the money's worth when you realise that you get M&M with every scoop! 


而跟麥XX的冰炫風不能比的oreo blizzard差別就在於,你還看的到oreo的顆粒!而不是全部打碎乎巄過去!

And what differentiated this from Mac's version, is that you can still see chunks of Oreo in it! 



The good news is that they are opening up a new location at Gongguan! Tienmu is way too far for many of us! 




When they serve you your blizzard, they'll serve it upside down. Or else, you'll get it for free. But mind you, it's probably never happened before. 



I suppose this has to do with the recent World Cup craze. Interesting to know that they have ice cream cakes, too! 



Although the price is a bit steep, I do really want to try this! 


最後為了證明我真的很愛吃Dairy Queen的oreo blizzard,附上在曼谷機場等待轉機時吃到的合照一張。

Lastly, as proof that I really do love their oreo blizzard, here's a picture of us with our 'served upside down or it's free' at the airport in Bangkok! 




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