
Move back in time, to when I was still an ignorant teenager, Thoreau was nothing but ‘the crazy dude that went off to live in solitude by some pond’.  It is probably not difficult for people of that age group to think this.   After all, adolescence is all about friends and group fun.  Therefore, I did not scoff at myself for ever thinking of Thoreau as ‘crazy’.  The process of mental and spiritual maturity is extremely interesting.  Now, life in Walden seems to me the ideal life that I would actually attempt to pursue.

American literature had always had less of an attraction to me than English literature.  They are newer and thus often contain less profound and inspiring material.  Yet, Thoreau had not only proved himself a worthy writer, and poet, but embraced the essence of the Romantic spirit thus making him the most inspiring romantic writer from the New World.

Walden consists of three different parts – the factual, the philosophical, and the poetic.  He kept a meticulous record of how he managed to live there economically.  Then he proclaimed his insight on the significance of social issues.  He then also drew poetic sketches of the natural surroundings around him.  Of course, these three overlap at times, but in such a way that they can be woven together to make a wonderful masterpiece. 

There is a problem with classics.  They were written.  They changed people.  Then they were forgotten.  Abandoned.  Neglected.  That is the problem, but it is also exactly the reason why I find classics more intriguing than most contemporary work.   Everything sensible there is to say had already been said.  There is little space for originality left.

Walden was written.  It influenced people, but then it is forgotten.  Neglected and/.or abandoned.  In this era, which we call the Information Age, this is exactly the kind of insight to life that we are lacking.  People don’t read.  Even if they do, they never pass beyond the books on the best selling rack.  They read, but they do not peruse.  Thoreau observed this problem long before the beginning of this age.  The warning of Global Warming got people more aware of the significance of nature.  They go outdoors more, but only to places reachable by vehicles which contributes to the initial problem even more.  When they reach their destination, they do not really see nature as it really is, but nature as the way MEN want it to be.  I am not exempt from any of these charges.  However, being aware of a problem is better than unconsciously being a part of the problem. 

This is what I had gotten out of Walden.  And in writing this, I hope you will allow Thoreau a chance to indulge you with some insights to life and a peek at life by Walden Pond.


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