天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
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目前分類:【英格蘭】三明治 Sandwich (5)

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To tell the truth, we went for a walk only because we decided not to go into this 'Secret Garden'. I can't remember why. Maybe it was because the entrance fee was too expensive, and we weren't sure if it would be worth it. We thought maybe we could get a glimpse of the garden from the outside, if we walked around it. 




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After a delicious meal, it was time to burn off some calories. What none of us had expected, was that this 'walk' would turn out to be such a long walk. And because none of us knew where the path would lead to, the walk seemed interminable. Thank goodness all three of us were fit enough to complete the walk, and get back to the starting point. 



天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()


午餐時間到了!在英國啊,最簡單的用餐方式,除了去個三明治店(咦!?這裡每間店都是「三明治店」啊!)或是一般的外帶店買個fish and chips還是kebab之外,就是去pub用餐了!好的pub其實賣的食物也可以很好吃。不要再跟我說英國食物難吃了!雖然地雷多,英國人自己也承認自己的食物不怎麼樣,但還是有很好吃的食物的!但是今天我們沒有要去pub用餐喔!(莊孝維...)

Time for lunch! In the UK, the most convenient way of dealing with meals is either to go to a sandwich shop (oh, wait, all shops here are 'Sandwich shops'...) or a take away for a kebab of fish and chips. But there are also the pubs. Decent pubs often serve quite amazing meals. Do not complain any more about how crappy English food is. Although there are more disastrous foods than there are delicious foods, and the English themselves admit to their lack of cooking culture, there are still quite a lot of delicious meals out there to discover! But we did not dine at a pub on this day! 


天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

名字這麼有趣的地方,竟然有一家店會無名。搞混了嗎?原來這間店的店名就是叫「No Name」。大家要不要來猜猜看他是賣什麼的呢?

What's even more interesting than the name of the town itself, is the name of this shop, which is 'No Name'. Care to venture a guess on what this shop sells?



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Ham and Sandwich are both names of places in the UK. The picture above is a coaster with a picture of a road sign that used to stand somewhere. It had to be taken down because too many tourists were stopping just to take a photo of it, to the point where traffic was badly affected. So thanks to these tourists, we can now only see the road sign on postcards and coasters... 

Ham 跟 Sandwich都是英國的地名。上圖中看到的圖片有個杯墊。杯墊中的照片是以前站立於某個地方的路牌。那個路牌現在已經被拆掉了。原因呢就是因為太多旅客來到這為了拍下這個有趣的路牌,停在路旁嚴重影響交通,後來就被拆除了。所以拜他們所賜,我們現在只能在明信片或是杯墊上看到這個路牌了!


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