午餐時間到了!在英國啊,最簡單的用餐方式,除了去個三明治店(咦!?這裡每間店都是「三明治店」啊!)或是一般的外帶店買個fish and chips還是kebab之外,就是去pub用餐了!好的pub其實賣的食物也可以很好吃。不要再跟我說英國食物難吃了!雖然地雷多,英國人自己也承認自己的食物不怎麼樣,但還是有很好吃的食物的!但是今天我們沒有要去pub用餐喔!(莊孝維...)
Time for lunch! In the UK, the most convenient way of dealing with meals is either to go to a sandwich shop (oh, wait, all shops here are 'Sandwich shops'...) or a take away for a kebab of fish and chips. But there are also the pubs. Decent pubs often serve quite amazing meals. Do not complain any more about how crappy English food is. Although there are more disastrous foods than there are delicious foods, and the English themselves admit to their lack of cooking culture, there are still quite a lot of delicious meals out there to discover! But we did not dine at a pub on this day!
Don't let the first photo fool you. That was only a shop we passed by. We decided to dine at another place called George and Dragon. George The menu. 菜單
This is the only menu in the restautrant. It will be brought to your table once your sat. I think it conserves a lot of resources, even though this is probably because the menu varies every day.
Bread and butter 麵包+奶油
My all time favourite - smoke salmon! 我的最愛:(燻)鮭魚!
Pork chop! Too big a meal for me. Obviously a meal for a man!
Petite meal for my friend. 輕食餐是我朋友的。
A friend we found in the gardens. 在花園裡用餐時發現的朋友~
George and Dragon. 喬治屠龍~
We were so lucky to have such mild temperature. With the heatwave slowly fading, it was not too hot, nor was it chilly. It was the best kind of weather and temperature to dine in the garden! I will always remember this meal - the company of friends, delicious food, and great atmosphere.
And lots and lots of secret gardens to discover after meal!
天仙念:只可惜我們一直說要在三明治吃個三明治才有趣,後來卻一直沒吃到~ 因為有更吸引我的東西!!