天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
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目前分類:【英國】藝文、娛樂 Entertainment (17)

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曾在【利物浦】The Cavern Quarter一 文中提到1957年開始營業的The Cavern Club。四位來自利物浦的國際流行音樂傳奇披頭四在1961年在此表演時被Brian Epstein發掘,並成為之後的披頭四經紀人。The Cavern Club因披頭四的演出風靡一段時間後終於在1973年因地下鐵工程導致必須停止營業。終於到了1984年由一位利物浦足球俱樂部的球員Tommy Smith買下並開始重建工作。終於在1991年,The Cavern Club恢復了原本的樣貌並開始新的一段歷程。

六零年代曾經在此表演的其他知名團體與藝人還包括The Rolling Stones, The Kinks, The Who, 和Elton John。今日的The Cavern Club持續的提供多樣化的現場音樂表演。這天來到The Cavern Club,為的不是別的。就是專程來看傳說中的超神似的披頭四現場表演。

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Source/來源:Google Images

[Spoiler Warning: This article contains plot/ending. Reader discretion highly recommended.]

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周日下午臨時接到一通友人的電話,說附近的公園正在舉辦『非洲音樂祭』,問我有沒有興趣參加。我心裡想:雖然天氣不穩定,但是不去也還是宅在家裡。為什麼不去?於是就答應了。半小時後,五人同行,跑去附近的店家買了各自的啤酒後,搭乘計程車來到Sefton Park。其實步行也可抵達,只是可能大家都懶懶的,加上天氣也不太穩定。五個人分計程車的錢比坐公車還划算。所以就這樣輕而易舉的來到Sefton Park。


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『黃金羅盤』作家Philip Pullman新書!


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Philip Pullman - In Conversation

今晚的演講,Philip Pullman與其他六位優秀的青年在聽眾的目睹下對談。第一個被問到的問題是如何寫一本能夠同時獲得兒童與成人青睞的小說?面對這個問題, Pullman指出這不是他的本意。在寫小說的過程中,他只能希望能夠擄獲更多人的青睞。在與一些心裡學家對談時他曾提出『黑暗元素』會得到擄獲兒童的心,是因為他們能夠了解書中主角Lyra的經歷。他們了解Lyra在遇到困難時所感受到的體驗。而成人是以一個回憶的方式得到一些慰藉。因此,『黑暗元素』方能同時獲得各種年齡層的親賴。

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The Elementary Particles of Narrative

大家最熟悉的Philip Pullman作品可能就是最近被好萊塢翻拍成電影的『黃金羅盤』。『黃金羅盤』是『黑暗元素』三部曲中的第一部曲。而原文'His Dark Materials'出自於John Milton[米爾頓]的Paradise Lost[失樂園]第二章中的一段詞。除了小說類作品之外,Philip Pullman也編輯過John Milton的Paradise Lost。本人很得意的說,我有他編輯的版本!

本場演講,Philip Pullman探討的是小說類書籍對於孩子成長的重要性。一開場以不久前在電視上看到Richard Dawkins的訪談中提到對於科幻以及奇幻類小說對於孩子成長過程的必要性。Dawkins的態度是不太贊成孩子接觸此類書籍。理由是他認為魔法、咒 語、巫師等故事內容有損孩子對於科學的認知。

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Okay...不知道為什麼我等到現在才開始寫這篇。但事實證明,這個時機實在是太妙了!The Cambridge位於校內。是學生們在課後談天說地小酌一兩杯的好地方。裡頭沒有吵鬧的音樂。也沒有吵雜的電視聲。只有朋友、朋友、朋友、跟酒。不過平時安分的pub到了周日晚上就會變得很不一樣。因為:PUB QUIZ。

I don't know why I waited until now to write this entry, but somehow the timing works out perfectly.  The Cambridge is one of the pubs on campus.  This is the place where students socialise with a glass of wine or a pint of beer.  There is no loud music.  There are no noisy telly programs to distract you from socialising with your friends.  However, this quiet pub transforms itself every Sunday night because of PUB QUIZ.

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天仙 (Celeste) 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

本篇文章又是故意要『閃』的。其實本來想要等到Boxing Day再來大敗家...可是昨天我辛辛苦苦海運過來的靴子竟然發生了以下的狀況:

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There are many things that I can take advantage of while I'm here in the UK.  Other than the vast collection of English resources in the library, the performances in the world renowned Philharmonic Hall by the world acclaimed Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, easy access to football match broadcasts[however vain it may sound...], there is also the frequent lectures and talks by notable contemporary figures in the literary realm.

In fact, I just came back from one last night.  John Carey's talk on William Golding: How Novels Begin was the first lecture I attended since I got here.  John Carey is a literary critic who has edited works by Milton, Donne, and Orwell, just to name a few.  He has also published books and biographies on famous authors.  In his preparation of his new biography on William Golding, the author of the Lord of the Flies, he came to Liverpool and told us about the man, the work, and most importantly, how novels begin.

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At the entrance of Sydney Jones Library 入口

One of the things I've learned to enjoy most is the access to the library.  Actually, I could've gone in last week, but since something went wrong with the administration, and many of us did not receive our student cards, I had to wait the following week to explore my new paradise.

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I almost eneded up going to this 'match' alone.  I wouldn't even try to get my new friends doing Football Management to go, 'cuz they would be seeing the match at the stadium!  My other new friends were either away, or not really interested in football.  Fortunately, my new fellow classmate was free, and joined me.

This pub is extremely close to where I live.  Even at night, it would be a convenient venue to meet friends.

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Traveller's 倫敦 by 李思瑩 & 英倫懶骨頭

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Happy Boxing Day


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