We all live in a yellow DUCK marine,
Yellow submarine, yellow DUCK marine...
這個詭異的黃色車車,到底是什麼哩?只要來過利物浦,管你是一日遊,一周遊還是住上一整年,包你一定會在路上看到這台詭異的車車。它叫做Yellow Duck Marine。熟悉披頭四的『黃色潛水艇』的人一定看的出來,這台命名只不過是把中間的 sub 改成 duck。那問題來了。這台車車到底有啥特別的呢?請看下圖...
What in the world is this weird looking vehicle? If you've been to Liverpool, chances are you would have seen this strange-looking vehicle running about on the streets of Liverpool. It's call the 'Yellow Duck Marine'. It's pretty obvious that the name was derived from the famous Beatles song, 'The Yellow Submarine'. But what exactly is this vehicle do? What is so special about it?
沒錯!它就是路上也可以跑,水上也很猛的兩棲『鴨子』,又名DUKW。DUKW四個字母代表的是:D = 1942 (D Day)、U = utility/amphibious 多用途/雙棲功能、K = 6 輪驅動、W = 兩條驅動後軸。在我跟大家分享乘坐這艘『車船』的經驗之前呢,先讓大家來看一下,它是怎麼下水的!
That's right! It's amphibious! It runs on dryland, but also floats on water! It's technically known as DUKW, an acronym bearing the meaning of D for 1942 (D day), U for utility or amphibious, K for 6 wheel-drive, and W for twin wheel axles. Before I share with you my experience on this 'car-ship', let's take a look at how it transforms itself from a 'car' to a 'boat'.
Wasn't that exciting!?
More [延伸閱讀]:
DUKW on wikipedia [中文版]
History of the Yellow Duck Marine
The Yellow Duck Marine Official Website [官方網站]