Although Chaucer's Canterbury Tales was never completed, and we never get to hear of what happens when the pilgrims reach Canterbury, it feels as if every visitor here is doing Chaucer a favour by completing the pilgrimage for the characters in his tale.
Neck-soring entrance gate.
Construction of this Gothic architecture first began in 1070. It is probably the most well-known cathedrals in England. Ever heard of St. Augustine? He's the first Archbishop of Canterbury cathedral. What about Thomas Beckett? Martyred because two of Henry II's men took his words literally? In fact, the pilgrims in Chaucer's Tales were traveling to Canterbury to visit Beckett's shrine in the cathedral!
Elaborate ceiling. 華麗天花板設計。
Stained glass window. 彩繪玻璃
Map. 地圖 Lectern 誦經台
The screen 圍屏
Prayer books. 經書 Altar 聖壇
Beckett's shrine 貝克特聖祠
Cloister 迴廊
Themed chess pieces. 主題式的西洋棋子
Pilgrimage completed.