How many of you have ever heard of High Wycombe (pronounced 'wickem')? And how many of you have ever visited High Wycombe? How many of you will ever visit High Wycombe? One of the biggest highlights of my 2010 trip to the UK was that it was filled with trips to places that are not exactly tourist hot-spots. Even though I had local guides for escorts, still, I think I just elevated from being a tourist to a traveller.
This is a little picnic my friend and I decided to put together. It was a spur-of-the-moment thing, so we kinda just grabbed whatever looked salivating at Sainsbury's and voila!
Fresh veggies for sandwiches. 三明治用的生菜
Fresh strawberries 新鮮草莓
In clotted cream 這是一種濃縮奶油(不是煉乳,這取代普通的cream搭配scone也超好吃的!)
Random shot 隨拍~
Little bug 小昆蟲
I was actually taking this opportunity to play around and test the functions of this camera.
Random shot again 隨拍吐~
Church 教堂
Lamp 燈~
Cobweb 蜘蛛網
Moss 苔蘚
Life and death. 生與死的對比
Little visitors 小小訪客
Little pigeons in action. 鴿子們覓食ing
Meal completed. 又飽了一餐了
Squirrel feeder 海維康版的松鼠老人
Pity they were shy, and didn't come out to play...
High Wycombe is not far from down town London. I'm not sure if it's worth a trip if you don't have a local friend, but I'm sure glad I got to know this little place myself!
No. I didn't have a pint here. Believe it or not...
我真的沒進去... (這是一間pub... )
天仙念:因為友人路熟,也有車子代步。所以若有興趣來這遊玩,我也不知道公車方面到底便不便利... 只知道公車班次少,最後一班也很早。所以盡早了解交通狀況才不會落得沒車回家喔!