This is a place in High Wycombe (pronounced 'wickem') called 'The Rye'. The simplicity of its landscape is the reason for its serene and tranquil atmosphere. There are ducks, swans, flowers, plants, trees, and cute people to top it all off.
這是在海維康的一個叫做'The Rye'的小地方。這裡極簡的景色形成了安寧平靜的氣息。除了有鴨子、天鵝、花花草草,當然也還有最可愛的人兒。
On the way to the Rye. 往河邊的路上
Don't pluck me... 路邊的野花不要採
But adore me. 但是可以盡情地看
Laid back people 悠閒的人兒
Enjoying the sun 享受陽光的人兒
Father and daughter 父親與他前世的情人
Still 靜
Swans and ducks 天鵝與鴨子
What is this? 這是什麼?
Apparently it's a 'coot' (Special thanks to London Caller)
感謝網友London Caller解除我的疑惑:這是蹼雞~
Cute little thing 可愛的小動物
Interaction 互動
In pair 出雙入對
Flap, flap 振翅
Plain 平原
Bench 長椅
Ray 光線
Peeking 偷看
Outstanding 突出
Cross road 叉路