This is a glimpse of the gorgeous Kentish scenery. It is a beautiful place, and we were so lucky to be here with such glorious weather. There was a reason why we came here. Despite the fact that I believe Whitstable would be a lovely place to visit anyway, the day we were there happened to be on the day when the Oyster Festival was held. Lucky, lucky, lucky us!
Before getting into the festival itself, however, please remain patient and allow me to show you around Whitstable.
Whistable Harbour. 港口。
The Wall, a tavern. 一間小pub。
Sample of the menu? "菜"單啊...
English housing. 英式小屋
Flowers in the garden. 花園裡的花兒~
More flowers. 更多花
Thistle. Symbol of Scotland. 薊。蘇格蘭象徵花
Squeeze Gut Alley. 翻譯成中文是『壓擠內臟巷』(咦?)
One of many oyster related stores. 很多牡蠣的店 Graffitti 牆上塗鴉
Tudor Tea Rooms 都鐸茶屋
Open. 營業中
Busy, busy, busy. 高朋滿座 Lamp 吊燈
Oyster bar. 牡蠣專賣店
Oyster boat. 牡蠣船
Oyster Recycling (for what?). 牡蠣殼回收(要做啥?)
Boats, boats, more boats. 很多很多很多船!!
Bowling club. 俱樂部 Little castle. 小小城堡
Sea side. 海邊 Torch. 火炬
Mast. 船桅
Cannon 大砲
Quieter side of Whitstable. 惠斯泰布爾比較安靜的一角
Postcard scene. 明信片主題
These beach houses apparently cost a fortune. Yet every single one is owned by someone.
No sand beach. Just stones. 沒有沙的海邊。只有小石頭。
It's actually even harder to walk on! 其實走起來更困難!
But it is absolutely beautiful! 不過實在太美麗了!
Yet some people fancy busier places. 但有些人還是喜歡熱鬧
Green beach houses. 綠色的小木屋
Live performances. 現場表演
Low tide. Careful not to drop your shoes! 退潮了~ 鞋子掉下去就撿不回來囉!!
It was such a special experience for me. I felt like I was there again while going through the photos again. Don't you worry. I had taken so many photos of each event we took part in. Please stay tuned!