去年十月,才剛到利物浦一個月時曾介紹過St. George's Hall的外觀。[點我看舊文]這篇分享的是從不同角度拍攝到的景色以及會堂內部。也順便看看經過了這麼一段時間,圖文的展現方式是否有所改變了?
My last article on St. George's Hall was posted in October of last year. That was only a short introductory article on the exterior of the hall and the statues around it. This time, there are photos of statues from different corners, and also photos of the interior. You are also welcome to see if any differences in tone can be observed between the last article and this one.
維多利亞女王 Queen Victoria, by Thomas Thornycroft
According to BBC's Liverpool Local History website, there are twelve statues around the hall. I'll go again and count them up another time, and also see if I can connect any statues with the actual historical figures. For now, though, Queen Victoria's is the only one that's readily recognizable.
面對Lime Street的方向,共有兩對石獅子。不知道有多少人看到這對獅子跟我一樣想起納尼亞中的『亞斯藍』?
There are two pairs of lions facing Lime Street. The first thing that came to mind when I saw these lions is 'Aslan' from Narnia.
這座高高在上的雕像名稱叫做『利物浦精神』。 1877年當Walker Art Gallery,也就是他下方的那棟建築物,開幕時被放置在屋頂上方。但在1993年,被人們發現它長期經過日曬雨淋已經漸漸有被破壞的跡象後,以用複製品取代放置。所以現在大家在圖中看到的其實是複製品唷!真正的『利物浦精神』保存於National Conservation Centre。
The statue sitting atop Walker Art Gallery is called 'the Liverpool Spirit'. It was positioned there in 1877, when the gallery first opened. In 1993, when people realise how much damage the weather was doing to it, they replaced it with a replica. The real 'Liverpool Spirit' can be seen in the National Conservation Centre.
上面兩張照片都是Walker Art Gallery 前方的水池。可能是因為當時天氣還冷冷的,所以沒有放水。不知道夏天會不會開始放水呢?
The above are pictures of the Liverpool fountain. There was no water, probably due to the cold weather. Perhaps there will be water once summer comes around.
Notice the bird... Yes, it's real.
聖喬治大會堂從1854年開始對外開放。內部除了有法庭與監牢之外,另外一側還有音樂廳以及演奏廳。去年聖誕節來聽的A Christmas Carol就是在其中一個小演奏廳表演的囉!
St. George's Hall was opened to public in 1854. It houses recital halls, concert halls, court rooms, and prisons as well. The recital of A Christmas Carol I attended last Christmas was held in one of the recital halls.
Court room.
An other angle of the court room.
From the judge's 'point of view'.
Looks to me like the male genital from any angle...
The Great Hall
There was an antique show going on here. It was nice to have all these people in the shot. Unfortunately, because of the crowd, the beautiful floor is also covered up.
Large organ. But it's still not the largest in Liverpool...
Last, but certainly not least, there's St. George himself, and the dragon!
History of the Hall
Spirit of Liverpool