上個星期,跟朋友說好星期天要來大家強力推薦的Egg Café吃英式早餐。因為是我提議的。原本要在星期天之前找到這間餐廳。可是萬萬想不到他竟然這麼隱密。還好利用Google找到了這間的位置。當天早上跟兩位住同棟的flatmate出發還是順利的找到了。

Last week, I suggested that we come to Egg Café for breakfast, as it was highly recommended by the locals.  Since I was the one who recommended it, I figured I should figure out where it was located.  However, I had no idea how hidden it was.  Fortunately, I found its location using Google Map, and found it with little difficulty on the day.

No "Egg Café" written on the sign.

Very tucked away...

Inside the Egg Café.

Order your food at the counter.

Selection of veggie foods.


I wondered if I could ever finish a full breakfast.  With two of my other friends ordering that, I took the challenge and also ordered a full breakfast.  I kept hoping I could finish the whole thing.  For what was given, £4.20 was already a great deal.  Most of all, it really was a delicious meal!

Full breakfast includes: toast, eggs, beans, mushrooms, and veggie sausages. Plus a cup of tea/coffee.  That's pancake in the background.


When I saw how much food was on the plate, I still kept wondering if I could ever finish it all.  Somehow, while chatting, I suddenly realized that I only had a quarter of a toast left on my plate.  As I was 120% full already, I had to give that up.  If I had a bigger stomach, I know that I could have easily finished the whole thing.  Nonetheless, I was very satisfied with my accomplishment.  After this meal, I believe none of us got hungry again for a very long while.


After this meal, my appetite expanded significantly.  I have been finding myself always hungry, always looking for food to fill my stomach.  It always feels empty somehow.  You can surely stop worrying about my diet here.  Not only am I eating healthy foods, I'm also eating way too much.  Who knows?  I might become twice the size I am now when it's time to leave.  [Hopefully not...]


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