典型的英式pub。Scene from a typical English pub.
The food here comes in different types. There is quality 'restaurant food'. There is the quid-saver 'take-aways'. Then, there is the very English 'pub food'.
My group of friends already have a list of our favorite pubs to go to. Different pubs offer different atmospheres. Depending on the purpose of our visits, we go to different pubs to satifsfy our different needs. Fly in the Loaf is a classy, slightly more elegant pub to watch football matches. The people here are quieter and the bartenders are more efficient, ie. you never really have to wait too long till they notice you.
We came here that night to watch the English national team play against Belarus. Since we arrived early, we took the opportunity to fill our tummies with 'pub food'. Thus, this is also your chance to witness what pub food is like.
英國的食物分很多種。有那種餐廳式的比較高級的飲食。也有那種平價位的簡/速食。另外還有一種叫做pub food。
雖然才來不到一個月,我們已經在心中列出我們最喜歡去的幾間pub。不同的pub有不同的氣氛。在不同的心情之下想去的pub也就會隨著心情更變。Fly in the loaf是個比較有格調的pub。來這的人呢,跟其他間比起來文靜許多。如果不喜歡吵鬧,又想看球賽,那這裡是再適合不過了。另外,這的bartender效率也很快。通常不到幾秒鐘的時間,就會有人看到你在那等著點飲料。其他間尖峰時期有時要等上五分鐘以上呢。
這天我們來是為了要看英格蘭對白俄羅斯的球賽。不過我們很早就到了,所以趁機體驗一下這兒的pub food。也趁機讓沒來過英國或是沒嚐過pub food的朋友們了解一下。
It wasn't that impressive. But considering that it's 'pub food', it was acceptable. If you order before 7pm on certain days, you get a great deal of 2 for 1. Since there were four of us, that's exactly what we did.
其實沒有特別好吃。但以pub food的品質來說應該算是不錯的了。這邊的pub常常有不同的促銷活動。像這天我們去,在晚上七點以前點餐,兩餐只算你一餐的錢。我們有四個人,當然就享有這『買一送一』的優惠囉。
The thing is, pubs here only serve food at certain hours, usually lunch and supper hours. It's a great way to start the evening before downing your pints. Although the quality of the ingredients and the dish itself cannot be expected to excede a certain level.
補充:當天比數 Belarus 1-3 England