

It's been a month already, since I departed from Taiwan.  How do I like it here? I'm absolutely 'lovin' it'! 

There have been occasions where I have been confronted by negative experiences, but they are way too trivial to affect my positive impression on living here.  In general, making friends here takes a little more time than I had anticipated.  However, I am in luck.  Because I hate to admit this, but if you ain't downing that pint, you're going to have to try ten times harder to try and make friends, especially with the locals.  Then, there is the language gap.  I'm starting to understand why international students hang out in their own groups.  Most of the East Asian students I've met have trouble with even the simplest daily conversations.  It takes a real patient native speaker to converse with them, and even more patient to actually become best mates with them.  As I said, I'm in luck.  As long as you don't ask me to down shots, then I'm all in.  As weird as this may sound to those of you who don't know me too well, I feel more comfortable hanging out with North Americans than British people, or even Asians. 

England, or the UK rather, is the true origin of the 'gentlemen' culture.  I do not recall one single occasion when boys back home would offer to buy everyone at the table a round of drinks, and not ask to be paid back.  Similarly, I do not recall any occasion upon which a boy would offer his more comfortable seating for me while he sits at an uncomfortable corner.  No, they do not all rise when a lady stands up.  But, the common sense of holding the door for you, despite your gender, is certainly the kind of thing I really appreciate here.

Since you have already caught a glimpse of what food is like here, I won't elaborate on that here.  However, I must take this opportunity to share with you my one month experience as a grad student.  There are good and bad days.  On the first tutorials, I always get extremely nervous, because I am not aware of what to expect, or rather what is expected of me.  Literature tutorials are unlike other tutorials.  ALL of our modules, with the exception of Research Skills, are seminars.  Some tutors do not necessarily 'pick on you', but others enjoy hearing 'everyone's' voice.  Despite the reading list, as if it wasn't long enough in the first place, we have to quickly learn to find access to all kinds of background readings, criticism and/or journals. Only today, have I begun to really engage in my 'study-mode'.  Before this, I was only a part-time student and a part-time tourist.  Shame on me, but can you really blame me?

Anyhow, as I said, there are good days and bad days.  Sometimes I walk out of the tutorial feeling like a complete idiot, wondering why I had thrown away 5 years' saving just so I could torture myself.  On other occasions, hopefully a lot more of these will come, I feel like I have shown them, meaning the tutor and my peers, that I have fulfilled what I had said I would do in my personal statement.  Not that they had ever read it, but it just makes me feel better.

From the blog articles, it may seem that I am spending way too much time in pubs drinking beer and watching football.  The truth is, that only occupies a minor portion of my days here.  Take advantage of this opportunity to get to know Liverpool through me.  As I have already been given an assignment, the frequency of posted articles will surely decrease.





有時好、有時壞。剛開始每次上課都超級緊張。因為與其說不知道自己該期待什麼,不如說不知道教授對我有什麼期待。已經夠長的書單根本就還只是冰山一角。想要真正達到討論的目標,每一個作者、作品的背景介紹、評論、或是相關的週報都要啃!因為文學MA跟其他MA不一樣,我們只有一堂『研究課』是不太需要動腦筋的。其他的,你最好是每一堂課都要做好一定要開口講話的心裡準備。教授們不一定每個人都會一個一個點名。但也有些喜歡聽到每一個人的聲音的教授。所以有時課堂結束後,我整個人就變得好沮喪。不知道自己幹麻花那麼多錢來活受罪。但有的時候又覺得,我真的有做到我personal statement裡說我會做到的。[據說大家都是亂寫,可是我是很認真的...]




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