想到五月後半段的日子,就覺得超痛苦的。[結果出關了還是宅...]一整個宅在寢室裡,出門也不過去喝個咖啡,買個食物,或是去圖書館這幾個地方。所以網路上的朋友們才會一天到晚看到我在線上。我也不願意呀!!不過哩!朋友生日,嘿嘿!再多的功課,也都不成藉口啦!畢竟是麻吉耶!不去露個臉怎麼行哩!?(其實是怕再不露臉我就要被遺忘了... )
這天我們來到Nando's位於Liverpool 1購物中心的二樓。大家都是看在雞肉的份上來低。[咦!?不是看在朋友生日個份上嗎?]不過我朋友在發出通告時,我就有去網站上查了,他們提供的素食餐點聽起來也很美味!所以我也是超期待的呢!
I can't even begin to describe the kind of hell the second half of May was to me. I locked myself in my room all day. If I went out, it would be for coffee, grocery, or to get books in the library. That explains why I had been so active online. I didn't mean to! Really! Anyway, when it's your best friend's birthday, there is really no way of getting out. I had to agree to attend. But in fact, it was because I had lacked social activities for such a while, it was necessary!! Or else people would definitely forget my existance!
We came to Nando's in Liverpool 1. Everyone came to devour their chicken, except for me. Well, they came to celebrate my friend's birthday, too, of course! When I was notified of the venue, I went to their website immediately, and found their vegetarian choices extremely appetising! Thus, I looked forward to the event!
不是自助吧。Not self-service...
點餐時,聽到朋友說一壺sangria的價格比一杯划算。我聽到之後,馬上眼睛一亮!我好愛喝sangria呢!所以就跟好友兩人共分一壺。一壺的價格不到£10,而且倒出來可分成四杯左右。而一杯就要£3多。 這麼划算,怎能錯過!
While we were trying to figure out what to order, I overheard that a pint of sangria was not a bad deal. That caught my attention, because I L-O-V-E sangria! And I haven't had it for such a long time! A pint costs around £10, and comes around to around four glasses. A single glass of sangria, however, costs £3! Not a chance I'd miss out on this good deal!
Look at that color!
朋友點的雞肉漢堡... 給葷食的朋友們看~
My friend's chicken burger... for those of you who are non-vegs..
My mushroom and cheese pita
It was delicious! However, an interesting incident occurred at this point. As I had order mine together with my friend's meal, when my dish came, and hers didn't, we notified the waitress. Soon enough her salad arrived.
However! Shortly after that, they brought to us another pita! As I was only slightly full, I felt the urge to accept this 'gift of God'...
[pita only has one t... sorry about the typo!] 亂拍ing
結果一大桌人,我只來得及拍坐我附近吃的那幾盤... 其他人都點什麼我沒看到。共點的雞肉盤我也沒拍到。只好拿這張吃完的上來勉強佔個版面一下。
I only captured pictures of the dishes of those sitting close by. There were quite a few of us there. Quite a pity actually, thinking of all the varieties of food I could have shared with you. I didn't even get a picture of the huge plate of chicken! Therefore, the picture below of a few blokes and empty plate is placed here in order to compensate...
And what happens after dinner?
The usual barhop, of course!
But, as I was still in 'essay-writing' mode, I could only afford to stay for one extra hour or so. What happened after that, I will never know. And believe it or not, I left after ONE SINGLE BOTTLE OF BEER! That ought to tell ya how much work I've had to do!
Nando's 網站
〔吧台〕Sangria 水果調酒 @ 西班牙小婦人
天仙念:完了... 堆積好多文。寫不完...