

Originally, this was supposed to be the last of the Shakespeare's Hometown series.  However, I could not think of an easier way to present all the photos AND all the words that must go along with them within one article.  After thinking about this for a few days, I've decided that it would be impossible to do this within a single article.  Especially after one whole year of torment, there was no way I could recount any of Shakespeare's works within one or two sentences.  However, I did want to use this opportunity to introduce, in the easiest way possible, his works to all my readers.  That is why this is nothing close to 'the last' of this series.


The inspiration for this subseries, comes from the 'essence' mentioned in my previous article.  Although they only make up a tiny bit of the whole garden, and you must pay very close attention in order to see all of them, just a glimpse, and you'll see why they are such successful artworks.  The 'essence' refers to the sculptures of Shakespearean plays. Other than the dramatis personaes, you can easily grasp the main plot and theme of each of the plays by looking at them.  Now, do you understand why I simply cannot cram all of this into a single entry?

其實這系列中的系列,靈感的確就是上篇所提到的New Place花園中的『精髓』。雖然與花園比率不成正比,且要很專心才能看到全部的作品但一經觀察,就能了解每一個作品他成功的地方。所謂的『精髓』就是散佈在花園各各角落的這些雕像。除了劇中主要人物,其實仔細看,你也能看出每一齣戲大概是在敘述著什麼樣的故事。現在,你是否能了解,為何這一篇不能夠當作『一篇』發表了嗎?

From 'Hamlet'

From 'King Lear'

From 'Macbeth'

From 'The Tempest'

"The Winter's Tale" 【冬天的故事】

This is a story about love.  Out of jealousy, a king believes his wife is having an affair with another king.  He also believes that the child she is carrying is not his.  The queen is suspected to die of grief shortly after, and because the child is believed to be a bastard, it was sent away.  Fifteen years after, a young man falls in love with a young lady.  The young man is the prince of the king, with whom the king believed the queen was having an affair.  The prince wants to marry the young lady, but his father does not think her background fit for royal matrimony.  The lovers decide to elope.  The lady then finds out that she is actually a king's daughter, reunites with her father, and the prince's king has no more reason to object to their marriage.  At this time, the king starts to remorse over what he had done to his wife.  He is taken in front of a statue to repent.  As he repents, the statue comes alive, and the king realises that his wife had never died.  She had only been temporarily turned into a statue for her own protection.  The family reunites, and lived 'happily ever after'.




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    天仙 (Celeste)

    il Giardino Romantico

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