This was the last four of the five Shakespeare's Houses that we visited. Because of time and energy, we had to give up on the last and furthest one - Mary Arden's Farm. However, as I had repeatedly stated, you get enough worth of the five-house ticket by going to more than two houses already. Nash's House, does and doesn't have any direct relation to Shakespeare, depending on how you look at it. The house belonged to Thomas Nash, first husband of Shakespeare's granddaughter, Elizabeth Barnard. The most significant fact is that the space next to it, now called 'New Place' once stood the house where Shakespeare resided after retirement, and it was also the place in which he died. The house had long been demolished, and the grounds had been transformed into a garden. I personally think that the essence of the whole place lies in the back garden. After your tour of the house, come out through the side door into the garden. Since the back garden contains the so-called 'essence' of the whole place, it deserves its own separate article. Let's take a short look at the house itself, and the garden by it.
Nash's House正是我們參觀的莎士比亞五間屋子裡其中四間的最後一站。因為時間以及體力的關係,我們捨棄距離最遙遠的Mary Arden's Farm。不過正如我ㄧ再強調,只要看到兩間以上,套票的價錢就已經比單獨一間還要划算了。其實Nash's House,與莎士比亞算有關,也算沒關係。屋主Thomas Nash是莎士比亞孫女Elizabeth Barnard的第一位丈夫。而這裡最主要的重點,其實是旁邊所謂的New Place。此地曾經是莎士比亞退休後以及往生前所居住的房子所在地。不過該房子早已經被拆了。因此這個地方就被改造成公園。Nash's House參觀完之後,可從旁邊的小門通到花園。天仙認為,旁邊的花園雖然美,但後花園更是精華。不過因為是精華,所以值得單獨一篇介紹。此篇文章就先來瞧瞧Nash's House以及New Place花園的景色吧。
Photography is forbidden in the house, so I took many pictures of the outside to make up for it.
Explanatory sign. The back garden is an Elizabethan Knot Garden.
Peeking into New Place.
偷窺New Place
Path to the knot garden.
Another passage.
Seemingly empty and vacant, but in actuality, the essence of this whole place lie hidden here.
Wait for the next article to find out what the 'essence' is...
天仙念: 【莎翁故鄉】系列要進入尾聲了。不知道大家是一猶未盡,還是鬆了一口氣呢~ 哈哈!!