After a crazy night out last Friday, this weekend, I will show you one of the favourite places of all times among me and my friends. The reason why we enjoy this pub so much, other than the fact that it's on campus so convenient for after-tutorial drinks, is because of its atmosphere. Unlike other pubs, this pub always has its telly on mute. Although you can't exactly watch football matches here, it is the best place to come if your intention of coming here is to have a good chat with your best mates.
Pub culture is very different from the drinking culture in Taiwan. For instance, it's absolutely normal to see your professors here on a Friday afternoon. In fact, if I have trouble tracking down my dissertation supervisor, I can always try the Cambridge.
Another special thing about the Cambridge, is its Pub Quizzes on Sunday evenings. Although there is a very big cultural gap, and I only knew answers to very few trivial questions, I still enjoyed the few instances when I was the only one that knew the answer to certain questions. And unlike the quizzes in other pubs, they give out free chips and there is also around of bingo in between the first half of the quizzes and the second half. Pub quizzes are only held during term dates though.
另外一個特色就是這裡的pub quiz。Pub quiz是一種在pub玩的機智問答遊戲,問的僅是一些無關緊要的冷知識。(最後贏的那組會有獎品)雖然有很大的文化代溝,可是少數有只有我知道答案的時候,那種感覺超棒的啦!不同於其他間舉辦的pub quiz,中場休息時不只是會外加一場bingo遊戲,還會發送免費的薯條請大家吃。其實我很多朋友不喜歡pub quiz的有時都會為了免費薯條而來。不過在開學期間才會有定期的pub quiz喔!
More about pub quiz:
更多關於pub quiz:
【娛樂】Pub Quiz at the Cambridge
Prices are reasonable and the bartenders here are very friendly.
It's easy to turn one drink after another. But that's only because we enjoy each other too much.
It's not a big place, so it tends to get very crowded at times. But the chatting and the laghter that the crowd produces can only compound to your own enjoyment of your presence there.
Nothing has changed - even the lock in the ladies' remained the same after an entire year....
這裡沒有任何改變,就連一年前壞掉的女廁門鎖... 一年後還是原來的樣子 XD
I dedicate this article, to all my friends, with whom I have been here.
天仙念:我是一個很嚴重的pub quiz迷。回台後有機會編制兩組pub quiz題目,結果每次都被罵到臭頭(因為太難了Orz)