Drink responsibly.
So! I hope you're all ready for the weekend! Because here comes the most 'appropriate' article to post on a Friday! Liverpool is one of the best places to pub crawl! Because most of the pubs you'll want to visit are within walking distance. So here's a demonstration of how it's done.
大家準備好要來個瘋狂的週末了嗎?這篇文章實在是太適合今天貼出了!所謂的pub crawl呢,就是一整晚從第一間pub換到第二間,第三間,第四間..... 這篇文章就是要來給大家示範一下到底pub crawl是怎麼玩的!利物浦是個很適合pub crawl的城市。因為所有你需要去的pub都是走路就可以到的(省下很多計程車錢)。
This was our first stop after dinner. Hannah's is one the favourite places, and at some time during the night, we often make a stop here.
On a good weather day during the summer, they'll remove that glass roof top. Quite fancy.
Hannah's has a good atmosphere. The music doesn't get too loud, unless there is a live performance. So you can enjoy chatting with your friends over a drink. It's not the ideal place to watch football matches, though. There are two reasons for this: drinks are a little bit more pricey than others, and seats aren't always the easiest to get.
Our next stop was Heebie Jeebies. I told my friend that I had not been here during my year here, and they kindly accompanied me here. It was a nice place, and we really enjoyed our time... until we caught some people doing something we weren't suppose to notice...
我們下一站是Heebie Jeebies。常聽朋友們提起,可是每次我都剛好沒跟到。友人聽我這麼一說,就很熱心地陪伴我來這裡。因為此時已經有點醉意,所以當晚還挺開心的。直到我們發現身旁的人在做些我們好像不該發現的事情...
Anyway... you can tell that everyone's enjoying themselves a lot. And there's no reason, really, to stop us from having our own fun.
Please note that pubs in the UK are busy throughout the entire week (weekend are even busier). It's unlike Taipei pubs and clubs, where you might find the place a bit empty during work days.
Dance if you want to. Drink if you want to. But be responsible.
And, there's the occassional open mic.
另外還有open mic文化。這是大家都可以參加的!(只要你有種吧)只要事先登記,就有機會輪到你。
Hiding from paparazzi?
And after one too many beer... I turned to vodka lemonade...
結果啤酒喝太多... 就突然改喝伏特加+雪碧...
To end the night, we went to the place where we'd always end the night - Bumper. Because it was one of the few places that opened till 4am... and because it was closest to the big group of people who lived in the halls... and because we would always be too drunk to care if we really like the place or not... it was always the best place to end the night.
But after a crazy night out, a pizza makes the night even much more delightful! Well, that is... until the next day's hangover....
當然,經過一整晚的狂歡... 來點油膩膩熱騰騰的pizza更是美好!!直到隔天的宿醉.....