Complete the on-line form here:
Online UK Visa Application

What you need during completion of the on-line form:
Address in the UK
E-mail Address

1. 護照
2. 英國地址
3. 行程計畫
4. E-mail 地址

1. The English names of both your mother and father, their birthplace and their birth dates.
2. Your previous transcripts from high school and/or college for dates.

1. 父母親同護照英文姓名、出生地、出生年月日。
2. 高中 和/或 大學 成績單 [參考日期用]

Print it out, and set up an appointment.

You will need:
* completed application form VAF1
* application fee and postage fee (if applicable)
* your current passport
* your old passport or a copy of it
* one recent passport photograph (not more than six months old)
* evidence of funds available to you, in the form of detailed bank statements covering at least the last three months
* either a letter confirming your period of employment from your employer together with salary slips for the last three months or a certificate confirming you have continuing studies or if you are self employed, evidence of your business for example company
* a letter of enrolment from a recognised UK University, College or School giving details about the proposed course. This should including the length of the course and the number of hours of study each week.  An estimation of the costs of your studies.
* your educational qualifications or copies of them
* evidence of Government sponsorship (if applicable)
* a copy of your ID or ARC card
* a copy of your household registration
* if you have already booked flights, the flight booking record issued by travel agent
* for children aged under 18 a letter of consent to travel from the parent or guardian
* IELTs certificate

1. 線上申請表
2. 申請費[及]郵寄費
3. 護照
4. 舊護照或影本
5. 六個月以內簽證照
6. 財力證明
7. Offer Letter [要有關於費用、課程開始及結束日期、即一週約幾小時的堂數]
8. 學歷證明
9. 政府機關贊助證明[如適用]
10. 身分證或居留證影本
12. 戶籍謄本
13. 開票證明 [如以購票]
14. 未滿十八歲者須附上家長或監護人同意書
15. 語言能力證明[IELTS 證書]

2008年八月:學生簽證費為 $6,500





After you have completed your online form, please make sure that all the information you have provided are accurate.  Should you find any mistakes after it has been printed out, make your corrections in pencil, and notify the visa officer where there have been modifications.

You can choose your application appointment according to your convenience.  Print out the appointment slip.  If you do not have a printer, or if you forget to bring the appointment slip, just notify the security guard and show him your passport.

While waiting, please turn off your cellphone.

During your wait, you can use their copy machine and make a copy of your passport which contains your photo.  This is to be attached to the receipt, and there is no need to prepare this beforehand, though it may save you a little time.


1. 護照根舊護照都要帶正本![不然怎麼給你簽證...]
2. 畢業證書+Offer Letter都要正本。事後會歸還!
3. 財力證明若只提供存摺影本,請確認有存款總數。不然多花幾十塊申請一張證明比較妥當!若要保留正本可先告知。否則是不退還的。
4. IELTS證書也要提供正本。事後會歸還!
5. 若擔心正本遺失,可提交前先列出清單。歸還時可確認沒有漏掉。




The officer will go through all the papers.

Please note!
1. Bring both your original current AND old passport.
2. Must provide original copies of your educational qualifications + offer letter.
3. Please make sure your bank statement clearly states the total amount of your deposit.
4. Provide original copy of your IELTS certificate.
5. Make a list of all the original documents you have provided if you fear they may be lost through the process.

After you have handed in all the documents, you can choose to either come and pick up your visa at the center, or pay a courier fee of NT$210 to have it delivered.  If the latter is chosen, you shall receive your visa the day after an email notification has been sent.

The officer will pack all your documents together, hand it to you, and instruct you on where to go next to create your fingerprint ID.  Take the package of all your application documents and hand it to the officer in charge of creating your fingerprint ID database. 

Then go home, and wait for your email notification. 


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