This is supposed to be an article about my try out of Gunnar Digital Performance Eyewear. But along with a review of the product, I'd also like to share with you some other thoughts, since this is my first blogger product try out.
This is my first actual try out, but not the very first time I was approached. I had to turn down the first invite because it was irrelevant to my life. This made me develop my first principle for product try out - only accept products that I can closely relate to.
The reason why I accepted Gunnar's offer to try this out, is because hey, I wear glasses, and I have to stare at the computer screen for hours on end every day. I think I am definitely one of the most suitable candidates to try out this product.
Another reason is because in the invitation letter, it is clearly stated that this article should be written only if I like the product. If you know me, you'll know that I cannot write an article if I don't 'feel' anything. Since you are reading this artile, you can probably tell that, yes... I 'feel' something!
另外一個原因呢,是因為再邀約的時候Gunnar有提出如果我不喜歡這個產品就不用寫文。如果你認識天仙,就會知道對一個產品有沒有feel一看就知道。我寫不出沒有feel的文... 既然這篇都張貼出來了,那你也應該猜得出來天仙是有'feel'的~~
So now let's talk about the process. The duration of the try out was 2 weeks. I had to make a personal visit to the store to pick a pair that fit me. Then take the glasses home and wear them for two weeks. The sales at the store were extremely patient and kind. They took all the time I needed to pick the right one. After about three or four try on's I finally picked one that I liked. Their service was flawless, especially when they are facing a customer who isn't actually paying...
There are two screens at the store where you can immediately test to see the difference before and after wearing the spectacles.
At the time, I happened to have to work on something on Excel. I was really hoping Gunnar would solve my problem. I had not worn my contacts for months, because my eyes get dry after staring at the screen for only a short while. But even with my glasses, my eyes still get sore after some time.
Outer package 外包裝
The side of the package 側邊包裝
Opened package 開箱囉
The bag that holds the glasses is also the cleaning cloth.
Gunnar uses Zeiss lenses, designed for those who have no need to wear glasses or those who wear contacts. There is no need to worry about being already near- or far-sighted, because you can just bring them your prescription, and customize your very own pair. Since it's main purpose is to protect your eyes from electronic screens, please do remember that these are not for outdoors.
It felt a bit strange during the first two days, because of the yellowish lens. However, after awhile, you get used to it. In fact, you get so used to it that every time you stare at your monitor, you'll want to put your Gunnar on. You can stare at your screen all day without feeling tired (your eyes). But I suppose it's still recommended that after a certain duration of time, you still have to rest your eyes.
The point it, these really help take some pressure off your eyes. Especially if you meet the following conditions
1. Have to stare at your computer screen for a long time
2. Have to read a lot of words throughout the day
3. You want to wear contacts, but you can't because 1 & 2 makes your eyes uncomfortable
Gunnar helps improve your tolerance of the computer screen, and in turn, makes you a much more efficient worker/reader/blogger/etc...
前面兩天感覺有點奇妙(適應期)。畢竟黃色的鏡片需要一點時間去調適。不過適應了之後,就會習慣。而且也會依賴他~ 每次盯著電腦螢幕就會想戴上它保護一下眼睛。雖然這樣看螢幕的時間可以延長許多,但記得一段時間過後還是要讓眼睛休息一下啦!
To make this endorsement more persuasive, here's a portrait of the advocate.
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第一家直營店:GUNNAR Mini Shop
地址:台北市市民大道三段8號1F B06室(光華數位新天地1樓手扶梯對面)