Rosslyn Chapel was the reason why I went to Edinburgh. The journey was long, and the weather was absolutely freezing, but I was overjoyed to have finally made it here. Some of the pictures may be a little blury due to my trembling hands in the cold. You may not enjoy them as much as I enjoy them myself, but I hope that one day, you will all come and see this impressive building yourselves.
羅斯林教堂是我來愛丁堡的主要原因。雖然路程遙遠[指前一天從利物浦到愛丁堡],天氣也爆冷的,但終於看到一直想親眼目睹的建築物之後,高興的什麼辛苦都忘了。以下有些照片會稍微有點模糊。因為天氣太冷手一直抖,而我還是依然捨不得開閃光。即使照片模糊,但希望大家有機會到愛丁堡,不仿花點時間來這看看。因為,真的很壯觀。 入口 Entrance
When we had finally arrived and the chapel was in sight, we were a little disappointed at how different it looked in reality than the way it was presented in the film adaptation of The Da Vinci Code. However, our minds were about to be overwhelmed as we tour the inside of the chapel.
The only regret was that the time we were there, photography was not allowed inside the chapel. Therefore, I could only take pictures of the exterior, and risk my life taking one or two pictures inside it.
[如果想看內部的照片,可在文章尾端點入官方網站 or 觀看英倫懶骨頭的遊記]
In order to protect the chapel from the terrible weather, this canopy was built over it. The good thing is, there is a rail you around the roof, on which you could go up and see the top of the chapel. If I remember correctly, we were told that if we were to come in April 2009, this canopy would be removed and the building will be standing on its own.
This is the crypt in the, film adaptation of The Da Vinci Code, where Robert Langdon and Sophie goes to find the alleged resting place of 'the grail'. There was no other room but this tiny little space. And not completely unexpectly, we were told that during the process of filming, the crew had left something in the crypt as they removed a prop they had stucked on for the movie.
這是在電影中『達文西密碼】湯姆漢克斯飾演的Robert Langdon帶著Sophie[奧戴利朵杜飾演]到地下室尋找『聖杯』的蛛絲馬跡的地方。不過我們下來之後發現,根本就沒什麼資料室。就是這麼簡單的一個小空間。據說,拍攝過程中,他們還在此留下了一個貼道具的『痕跡』。
Apologies for the blurriness of the picture. But you cannot imagine how cold we were at this point. There was no heat in the building and the outside was just as cold as the inside.
This was taken on the rail.
This is Scotland...in the rain.
The garden of the chapel. There was no sign of the 'pond' where Sophie attempted to 'walk on water'.
Official Website:Rosslyn Chapel<--官方網站
英倫懶骨頭的 【達文西密碼】Rosslyn 禮拜堂
天仙念:這一趟愛丁堡之旅的結論是 - 電影都是騙人的!?