I believe by now, everyone's had quite enough of Shakespeare and anything related to Shakespeare. That's quite alright. I've prepared this article to come right after the Shakespeare series so that you could enjoy the sunshine, and exercise a bit. This is the ubiquitous hop on-hop off tour bus! It can be found in many of the major cities in the world. Although the price is not exactly 'cheap', it is a rather convenient way of touring around a strange city. It can also help you plan the rest of your trip more conveniently and more efficiently.
Although it operates in Liverpool as well, this was the first time I had ever 'toured' a city this way. Because the weather was gloriously beautiful, and my local guide had never been on one either, we decided to invest a few quid and 'hop on' this tour bus. These buses in Cardiff run every 15 minutes. The ticket is valid for 24 hours. You can use the service for unlimited amount of times. This means, if you 'hop on' the very first bus of the day, you can use the service for the rest of the day to tour all the sights of interest. Saves you the ordeal of figuring out how and where local buses run. But you do need to be aware of the time.
What I would recommend, is that you 'hop on' at around noon and finish the whole tour once. Some of these buses provide multilingual audio guides. You can make use of this first trip to learn all about the sights of interest. Once it reaches its terminal stop, stay on and 'hop off' wherever you'd like to go. Keep note of the time, and 'hop on' again once you're done with the place, then 'hop off' at the next stop. The reason why I'd recommend starting at noon, is because this way, you will have no need to rush at the beginning nor the end of your tour. Any place you had been unable to squeeze in, you can save it till the next day. Remember, the ticket is valide for 24 hours.
If you happen to be so lucky, as to be in the UK on a glorious day such as the day these pictures were taken, then there is no excuse for missing out on this insightful way of touring around a city!
攝於Cardiff Bay
延伸資訊:City Sightseeing Worldwide