
Cardiff Central Station

來到威爾斯,像是來到一個新的國家。所有的標示,除了英文以外,還會附上威爾斯語。這點讓我覺得挺特別的。雖然大家都說北威的風景比較美,建議我若是要去威爾斯,一定要去北邊瞧瞧。不過我在那沒有朋友,所以要去北威的話,除了交通,還得安排住宿。因此我就偷懶,選擇了南邊的威爾斯首都 - 卡地夫。

Arriving at Wales, felt like arriving at a new country.  All the signs were bilingual - English and Welsh.  I thought this was rather interesting.  Although everyone's been telling me how beautiful northern Wales is, seeing that I have to arrange my own accommodation if I go, I took the easier way.  I went to southern Wales, the capital city - Cardiff, instead.

Cardiff Central Station

我在卡地夫一共住了兩個晚上。很厚臉皮的給我那在卡地夫大學念博士班的乾弟招待了三天。這次因為有地主帶路,所以前置作業也頂多事先上網查查看卡弟夫有哪兒好玩。沒想到將行程寄給我弟看了以後,他卻跟我說有好幾個地方都離市區太遠了。可能會沒辦法去。也無所謂囉。反正這次去,對於景點其實沒什麼挑替。主要是為了日後可以聲稱『大不列顛島』的英格蘭、威爾斯及蘇格蘭我都去過了... [更多關於大不列顛請見皮老師所整理的『聯合王國』上篇下篇]


I stayed in Cardiff for two nights.  A close family friend of ours who's studying PhD in Cardiff was kind enough to show me around for three days.  It was because I had him as a local tour guide, that I didn't have to do too much research on where to go.  But as I sent my planned itinerary to my friend, he told me that there were a few places that were too far to visit.  It didn't really matter, though, because the main purpose was to visit my friend.  Also, as my time in the UK is running short, I'd like to be able to claim that at least I have been all over Great Britain, ie England, Scotland, and Wales. 

At the end of the second day, my friend said to me: I don't know where else I can show you tomorrow!  I think we've pretty much covered all there is to see in Cardiff!  However, I still think that the trip was more than enough.  The weather was gorgeous, and I got to spend lots of quality time with my dear friend.

1. 國立威爾斯博物館 National Museum of Wales
2. 卡地夫城堡 Cardiff Castle
3. 觀光纜車 Hop on - Hop off Tour
4. 卡菲利城堡 Caerphilly Castle
5. 『超時空博士』特展 Doctor Who Exhibition
6. 卡地夫彎 Cardiff Bay
7. Millennium Centre
8. Millennium Stadium
9. Brute Park

1. Taikaichi 日式料理
2. Caerphilly城堡外的早餐
3. Thai Edge 泰國菜
4. 四川菜


天仙念:【莎翁故鄉】系列還沒完唷!只是想說先來點不一樣的。順便預告此系列結束之後放映的新系列~ Enjoy!

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    天仙 (Celeste)

    il Giardino Romantico

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