Almost anywhere you go in the UK, you can be sure to find some interesting history behind the place, the area, or the building. Bute Park is a large area of parkland in the core of Cardiff. Situated amidst a whole range of historical sites, including Cardiff Castle, it seems to be the perfect place for an easy weekend getaway.
天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
目前分類:【威爾斯】卡地夫 Cardiff (13)
- Mar 18 Thu 2010 11:43
【卡地夫】Bute Park
- Mar 15 Mon 2010 10:17
【卡地夫】Doctor Who Exhibition 超時空博士展覽
Doctor Who? 'Doctor Who' is a British sci-fi TV programme produced by the BBC (Read more). I got hooked to it while I was 'supposedly' studying hard in my little cellar back in the UK. Before I headed off to Cardiff, I was so excited to find out that this exhibition was actually situated in Cardiff. It became my ultimate goal to accomplish while in Cardiff. Fortunately for me, I actually did get to see the exhibition. And what did I think of it? Well, you can read on and see parts of the exhibition yourself, then hear what I really thought of it.
- Mar 13 Sat 2010 08:39
【卡地夫】Millennium Centre
The construction of the Wales Millennium Centre began in 2004 and was completed in 2009. Situated at the Cardiff Bay area, the centre has become a major landmark. Concerts, operas, and other cultural performances are all held here. Not only is this a literal landmark of the area, but also a cultural landmark.
- Feb 26 Fri 2010 23:50
【卡地夫】Cardiff Bay 卡地夫海灣
Much of our time spent in this area composed of the Doctor Who Exhibition (which will shortly follow) and Millennium Centre. Some of the shots were taken whilst on the bus tour. Despite our short visit, Cardiff Bay remains an impressive place as the weather was so glorious, even the most trivial can become the most spectacular.
其實來Cardiff Bay主要的行程就是參觀"超時空博士"展覽(近日內貼出)以及Millennium Centre。這篇文章裡所看到的一部分照片是在"跳上跳下遊覽車"上拍攝的。雖然停留時間不長,但是Cardiff Bay看起來像是個很不錯的優閒景點。何況這天天氣如此的燦爛,實在是逛哪裡都覺得很棒的囉!
- Feb 25 Thu 2010 10:47
【卡地夫】Caerphilly Castle 黑白篇
Insatiable for more castle photos? This article is dedicated especially for those who had really enjoyed the coloured version of the castle. Now, let me say no more. Enjoy the pics.
- Feb 23 Tue 2010 10:13
【卡地夫】卡菲利城堡 Caerphilly Castle
This article may take a few minutes to complete loading due to the vast amount of pictures. Please be so kind as to patiently wait till it's fully uploaded to enjoy the article as a whole.
- Feb 15 Mon 2010 10:51
I wonder how many people dream of having their weddings in a castle. Is is the dream of all brides-to-be? Even seeing it with my own eyes, it still feels very dreamlike.
- Jan 25 Mon 2010 09:09
Located at the heart of Cardiff City, is this magnificent castle. However, my local guide surprised me when he told me that he had never been inside. Among his friends, only a few had actually been inside. Although I was immensely curious about the castle, I had to consider my budget, and chose only one to see. That's why I've decided to listen to my local guide, ditch this one, for a supposedly better one the next day.
- Jan 22 Fri 2010 12:57
While in the UK, you must take advantage of the museums that do not charge any entrance fee. It is the easiest way to learn about local culture, and if the weather's rough, it's also a nice way of keeping warm and dry. But seeing that the weather was so glorious while I was there, plus the fact that the collections in this museum was not exactly what I had been interested in, we didn't spend much time in there. Despite the short duration of my visit, however, I still highly recommend a visit. After all, you can enter for FREE.
- Jan 10 Sun 2010 18:24
【卡地夫】St. John the Baptist
St. John the Baptist is located right at the centre of Cardiff city. It is the oldest church in the area. It's also within close proximity to Cardiff Castle. Although I did not get a chance to visit the inside of the church, I thought the way the church was surrounded by modern elements interesting.
- Dec 22 Tue 2009 11:34
I believe by now, everyone's had quite enough of Shakespeare and anything related to Shakespeare. That's quite alright. I've prepared this article to come right after the Shakespeare series so that you could enjoy the sunshine, and exercise a bit. This is the ubiquitous hop on-hop off tour bus! It can be found in many of the major cities in the world. Although the price is not exactly 'cheap', it is a rather convenient way of touring around a strange city. It can also help you plan the rest of your trip more conveniently and more efficiently.
- Nov 22 Sun 2009 19:44
Cardiff Central Station
來到威爾斯,像是來到一個新的國家。所有的標示,除了英文以外,還會附上威爾斯語。這點讓我覺得挺特別的。雖然大家都說北威的風景比較美,建議我若是要去威爾斯,一定要去北邊瞧瞧。不過我在那沒有朋友,所以要去北威的話,除了交通,還得安排住宿。因此我就偷懶,選擇了南邊的威爾斯首都 - 卡地夫。
- Aug 26 Wed 2009 06:00