Royal Armouries is the National Museum of Arms and Armour. Apparently it is the oldest museum in the UK, and one of the oldest museums in the world. But you probably can't tell that by the modern atmosphere of its current status. The museum had not been an intential destination. It was by the wharf, I took an interest, so everyone indulged me by giving it a tour.
The banner is actually chainmail. Banner 其實是鎧甲。
Knight ready to joust. 準備比長槍的騎士。
What a view! 原來他懸空的耶!
Medieval armour 中古世紀盔甲
Man power 猛男
Hall of Steel 鋼鐵大殿
Another type of armour 另外一種盔甲
Knights in action 打仗中的騎士
Is he Legolas (LOTR)? 他是魔戒裡的那個神射手嗎??
Yet another knight 又一個騎士。
You can find an assortment of knights here!
Hundred years war, probably. 應該是英法戰爭嗎?
Recital performance 還有現場獨角戲表演
Boy scout trying out the rifle 童子軍小男孩玩來福槍ing
Effigy 雕像
Phoenix? 鳳凰鳥?
Jousting exhibition 長槍比武展覽館
Knight's tent. 騎士的帳篷
He's ready. 他準備好了
Mini-versions 古錐版
Looks heavy... 看起來好沉重啊
Very satisfying tour! 不過看得很滿足!
Have a go! 也可以試玩喔!
天仙念:還記得【倫敦】Tower of London Part II - Dressed to Kill 亨利八世盔甲特展一文嗎?特展中看到的文物就是從這邊借出的!雖然第二次去Tower of London還是有看到特展,來到Leeds又看到一次,果然是命中注定要看的展覽啊!