天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

目前分類:【英格蘭】利茲 Leeds (8)

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This was a pub recommended by a friend of mine. When knowing I was heading to Leeds, it was the first thing that she recommended, knowing how I love pubs. When I got to Leeds, I realised that this was very close to where my host's place was. Of course I was not going to miss out on this. 


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Cath Kidston had probably been popular long before I took notice of it. We walked by the shop during our walk home. And as I was in need of a bag to stuff some of my things, I knew I had to buy one. If I had to buy a bag anyway, I'd rather it be a good quality bag, instead of wasting my money on some crappy bag.

Cath Kidston應該是在我注意到他之前就有名了。我們是回家的路上碰巧看見、就近去逛了一下。當時我本來就想要買個袋子來裝我滿到爆出來的行李。既然要買、不如就買好一點的囉!

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After returning from York, my friend and I met up at the station, and we decided to eat out. It was the only meal we ate out. The rest of the meals, well, you probably remember (or not) were cooked by me. She took me to this Italian restaurant, recommended to her by a mutual friend of ours. Since it was 'recommended', I expected nothing to go wrong.



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Royal Armouries is the National Museum of Arms and Armour. Apparently it is the oldest museum in the UK, and one of the oldest museums in the world. But you probably can't tell that by the modern atmosphere of its current status. The museum had not been an intential destination. It was by the wharf, I took an interest, so everyone indulged me by giving it a tour. 



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There are many festivals all year round in the UK. I didn't know about this Waterfront Festival until I got to Leeds. I happily agreed to join my friend and her company. It was quite different from the festivals I've been to before. 


These festivals are all similar, but different in their own unique way. First of all, there are all kinds of stalls selling various products. 


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There was a mysterious photo in the last article, not sure if you all remember. I promised to reveal the mystery in the following article, so here it is. 




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The UK is an interesting country. There are so many places where rivers run right through the city centre. Durham is a town with a lot of bridges for exactly this reason. Leeds is yet another. 


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After having spent a few days with P, dining with his family, enjoying his homemade cuisine, I felt the urge to cook myself. So when I got to Leeds, I offered to make my friend some simple meals. Starting with dinner, the next morning's breakfast, and dinner and another dinner for the following evening. 



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