There are many festivals all year round in the UK. I didn't know about this Waterfront Festival until I got to Leeds. I happily agreed to join my friend and her company. It was quite different from the festivals I've been to before.
These festivals are all similar, but different in their own unique way. First of all, there are all kinds of stalls selling various products.
Lollipop pencils 棒棒糖鉛筆
Witchery ornaments 巫婆專用飾品
Volunteer pledge pins 義工別針
Fishnets made by different participants 許多參與者一起編織的漁網
Brewery Wharf 酒廠碼頭(好天仙啊!)
Second similiarity: live performance
Street performance 街頭表演
Generously performing for me to take photos
We stayed for three songs (I think, and gave them some quids, of course.)
Flags of Great Britain
大不列顛不同的國旗 (右到左:英格蘭,大不列顛,蘇格蘭,威爾斯)
This was the first time I saw this interesting game. Apparently we have it in Taiwan, too.
Note the kid. 重點是那孩子~
Push! 用力推~~
This was something different. 這是與眾不同的表演~
Some kind of acrobatic dance 某種特技舞蹈