
I almost eneded up going to this 'match' alone.  I wouldn't even try to get my new friends doing Football Management to go, 'cuz they would be seeing the match at the stadium!  My other new friends were either away, or not really interested in football.  Fortunately, my new fellow classmate was free, and joined me.

This pub is extremely close to where I live.  Even at night, it would be a convenient venue to meet friends.

When we arrived, the place was still quite empty.  But the crowd gradually gathered up as the time got closer to kickoff.  Most of the people I've recently met have been fans of the club way before they came here to Liverpool.  I wonder if that affected their decision on where they were going for their MA's...





I must admit that, seeing all these folks with LFC jerseys certainly acted as a major temptation into heading straight down to that Superstore and get one for myself.  It's a warm feeling to be surrounded by supporters of the same team.



My friend got hungry from all the smell of foods, and asked me if I 'fancied' chips.  I said sure, of course.  But she refused to let me pay for my share.  That was really nice of her.  The chips were good.  There were half a dozen sauces available to dip your chips in, but I stuck with mayo and ketchup.  My friend dipped hers in almost each and every kind of sauce.  I wonder if that's the way people generally eat chips?

開賽前,同學聞到旁邊點的餐點轉頭問我要不要吃薯條。我說好啊!結果回來我問他多少。他說沒多少,算了。真是不好意思,拖他出來看球賽[其實他也很想看吧...]還讓他請我吃薯條[chips, not french fries mind you...]。不過還好我肚肚容量不大,吃不了多少。但我也見識到英國人的恐怖吃法。挖!醬料大概就有五六種。我同學每個醬都沾。其實還有點恐怖哩!可是,真的吃的到馬鈴薯的味道!跟麥老頭的速食薯條簡直不能比啦!

All eyes stuck to the screen, even before kickoff...


The first half, was quite boring.  But during the second half, the whole place started jumping with excitement, especially when Torres made that first goal!  It was really exciting, and fun, to be surrounded by LFC fans.  Not to mention the fact that my first goal in Liverpool, was indeed, made by my very own - Fernando Torres!


第一球的時候,我同學還轉過來恭喜我說:Your first goal in Liverpool!


    創作者 天仙 (Celeste) 的頭像
    天仙 (Celeste)

    il Giardino Romantico

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