
At the entrance of Sydney Jones Library 入口

One of the things I've learned to enjoy most is the access to the library.  Actually, I could've gone in last week, but since something went wrong with the administration, and many of us did not receive our student cards, I had to wait the following week to explore my new paradise.

From what I've heard from my MA mates, who did their BA's elsewhere in the UK, this library is equally astoundiing to them as it is to me.  Through all the horrible experience I've had with libraries back in Taiwan, I'm going to have to say this again, and again: I love Sydney Jones!

There are actually two libraries on campus, and this one contains all the arts and humanity collections.  The sciences and engineering library is elsewhere.  SJL is extremely close to where I live, and the atmosphere of the library is absolutely fantastic! 

There are two wings to this library, one wing, which is called the Grove Wing, is where all the literary collections are.  Needless to day, that is where you'll be able to find me while I'm there.  There are sofas in the Link area for reading, and there are also different study areas designated for different purposes.  I have to say now, that I greatly appreciate this.  Because NO ONE sleeps in the study areas.  NO ONE leaves their crap on the tables to needlessly occupy the tables while they leave for washrooms or even lunch.  You will ALWAYS be able to find a table to study at.

校園裡面有兩間圖書館。這間Sydney Jones是專門收藏人文與藝術的書籍。當然,也是我會常去混的地方。本來第一個禮拜就可以進去晃了,不過行政上面出了點問題,導致許多人沒能在上周拿到學生證。我在禮拜一的時後就迫不及待的去Student Admin.排隊領學生證。就是為了要進去瞧瞧這間圖書館。果真,第一次進去還真的差點迷路,走不出來了。

我在台灣圖書館遇到的鳥事,在這裡是絕對遇不上的!畢竟這裡當然是英文書最多,所以除非是special collection系列的,否則不可能會有我借不走的書啊!另外就是,你每次去『絕對』找的到讀書唸書的地方!因為不會有人在那邊睡覺。也不會有人東西放在座位上然後人走掉,一走就是一整天。請問那你把東西放在那是幹嘛的?

這裡的讀書區分三種:1. 可以跟朋友聊天的 2. Quiet Zone 是可以輕聲細語談話的區域 3. Silent Zone 就是連屁都不能放的。



Upon my first exploration, I was completely dumbfounded by the fact that almost all of these books are way older than I am.  The following are two of the books that instantly caught my attention:

This version of Morte Arthure was published in 1865 from the fifteenth century Robert Thornton's MS .  Impressive isn't it.  I think I almost had a heart attack holding the book in my hand, then later when I found out that I could actually 'check the book out'!!


The binding remains well intact.

The intro and first few lines of Morte Arthure.

This is all in old English, so please don't feel bad about your ability if you can't understand that.  I can hardly understand it myself.  I overestimated myself when I checked out this book.  I returned it the next day, but only because I knew I had to reserve my borrowing quota for academic reading.


Volume 10 of Complete Shakespeare's First Folio!

These were reprinted from the acutal First Folio!  It is extremely interesting to compare how the language has evovled, and not to mention the fact that this is THE Shakespeare all Willy-doting nerds have to take a look at.  This is incomparible to any of the modern editions of his works. Yes, even Oxford and RSC cannot compete with this.

這還需要我解釋嗎?當然是莎老頭的書啦!不過這跟現代版本的非常不一樣。就連Oxford或RSC的Complete Shakespeare都比不上的。因為前幾天教授才說:每一個版本一定都有被編輯過。這個是從First Folio直接轉印過來的,所以最接近原汁原味的莎老頭。

Please notice the difference in spelling from the modern editions.

We, meaning students in taught MA programs, are allowed to check out 15 items, with the addition of 2 more on short loan.  The best news of all is that this library is open 24 hours from Monday to Friday, and it is also open on the weekend as well!   

像我這種 taught MA的研究生,一次最多可藉到15樣東西。外加兩樣短期的[只能借一兩天]。令人最興奮的是,這間圖書館週一到週五都是24小時開放的!周六跟周日雖然不是24小時,但是照樣有開放!


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    天仙 (Celeste)

    il Giardino Romantico

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