I've always had a higher interest in movies that were adapted from novels or other works of literature. If I happen to be interested in the original literary work, I'd always try to read it prior to watching the film version.
因為從middle school開始,一直到大學,常常被老師訓練比較小說與電影中的不同。導致現在把電影當作文學的一種附屬品。一種藝術品。大學去旁聽兒童文學[Children's Film and Literature][1]的時候,曾修過電影分析的講師說他的老師曾經在課程第一堂課警告他們:修完這堂課,你們將永遠無法再次享受看電影的樂趣。經過這麼多年的電影+小說分析經驗,我開始覺得我也沒辦法只把一部電影當做電影看待[2]。
Ever since middle school, I've been constantly trained to compare and contrast the difference between works of literature and their movie adaptations. I've learned to treat films as a branch of literature, an art. In college, the lecturer of the course Children's film and literature told us what her movie analysis professor had warned them the first day of class: You'll never be able to enjoy a movie ever again! After all these years of movie/literature analysis, I don't think I can ever see a movie as merely a movie either.
上次去看Beowulf時候看到華納威秀天橋黃金羅盤的佈置,站在電視螢幕前看了整整十分鐘事後只能在DVD中看到的the Golden Compass幕後拍攝花序,覺得是我會有興趣看的小說。電影的卡司,除了我很愛的007,Daniel Craig,竟然連我很欣賞的Eva Green也在卡司中。電影,不用說,必看!小說,還得先去買回來再說。
When I was last at Warner Village, I stood in front of a television screen and watched the trailer and behind-the-scenes of the film version of the Golden Compass. My favorite Bond, Daniel Craig was in it. So was my favorite actress, Eva Green. The film is a must see. The novel, well, that's another adventure.
This is where I started to get really annoyed.
I've encountered the same problem when I was looking for Complete Sherlock Holmes. I couldn't believe it happened again! These books, should be considered main-stream reading? Shouldn't they? Why do I still have to go through such an ordeal to find what I want?
Before work on Thursday, I went to the neighborhood Eslite. Nope. Well, not a surprise. They rarely have anything I want.
After leaving my student's at 8:30, I got on a bus in hope to get to Bookman before it closes at 9:00. Well, they did have it. But they only had the first two of the trilogy in the old edition, and the last two of the trilogy in the new edition. There was no way I was going to just read one book of a trilogy!
I wouldn't give up.
I ran to Eslite and searched and searched. Couldn't find a single copy! I asked the lady, and even told her the wrong Chinese translation. When she found the info I asked her to look for, she told me there wasn't a copy. In fact, there wasn't a single copy in any of the Eslite branches.
What the....?
You guys are ESLITE!
So I had to run back to Bookman within five minutes in hope they had a copy hidden somewhere. Nope.
I went home empty-handed.
But isn't this unbelievable?
Eslite!? Not having a single copy of the Golden Compass?
回到家第一件事情就是開電腦!連上博客來!結果差點又找不到。有些網頁竟然開不起來。後來終於讓我買到了一整到+收納盒的His Dark Materials三部曲。算算,還比在書林買三本便宜。
The first thing I did when I got home that night was to check After a few agonizing trials, I finally found what I had been looking for. His Dark Materials trilogy. In a box.
While I wait, I had to first, finish my last chapter of Walden.
The box set arrived on Saturday!
My next mission is to finish, at least the Golden Compass, before I run to the theater and watch the movie.
1. 旁聽的原因是因為我當時學分已滿。而且又不想再增加自己的壓力,卻又很想上這們課。有趣的是,我這旁聽的好像還比有休學分的認真、有興趣說!
2. 一部電影如果沒辦法讓我寫出一篇感想,我就不會想再看第二次。即使是很爛或是我不喜歡的電影,只要可以讓我有足夠的靈感寫一篇感想其實也算是不錯的了。最糟糕的就是那種看完完全沒感想的電影....
I've always had a higher interest in movies that were adapted from novels or other works of literature. If I happen to be interested in the original literary work, I'd always try to read it prior to watching the film version.
因為從middle school開始,一直到大學,常常被老師訓練比較小說與電影中的不同。導致現在把電影當作文學的一種附屬品。一種藝術品。大學去旁聽兒童文學[Children's Film and Literature][1]的時候,曾修過電影分析的講師說他的老師曾經在課程第一堂課警告他們:修完這堂課,你們將永遠無法再次享受看電影的樂趣。經過這麼多年的電影+小說分析經驗,我開始覺得我也沒辦法只把一部電影當做電影看待[2]。
Ever since middle school, I've been constantly trained to compare and contrast the difference between works of literature and their movie adaptations. I've learned to treat films as a branch of literature, an art. In college, the lecturer of the course Children's film and literature told us what her movie analysis professor had warned them the first day of class: You'll never be able to enjoy a movie ever again! After all these years of movie/literature analysis, I don't think I can ever see a movie as merely a movie either.
上次去看Beowulf時候看到華納威秀天橋黃金羅盤的佈置,站在電視螢幕前看了整整十分鐘事後只能在DVD中看到的the Golden Compass幕後拍攝花序,覺得是我會有興趣看的小說。電影的卡司,除了我很愛的007,Daniel Craig,竟然連我很欣賞的Eva Green也在卡司中。電影,不用說,必看!小說,還得先去買回來再說。
When I was last at Warner Village, I stood in front of a television screen and watched the trailer and behind-the-scenes of the film version of the Golden Compass. My favorite Bond, Daniel Craig was in it. So was my favorite actress, Eva Green. The film is a must see. The novel, well, that's another adventure.
This is where I started to get really annoyed.
I've encountered the same problem when I was looking for Complete Sherlock Holmes. I couldn't believe it happened again! These books, should be considered main-stream reading? Shouldn't they? Why do I still have to go through such an ordeal to find what I want?
Before work on Thursday, I went to the neighborhood Eslite. Nope. Well, not a surprise. They rarely have anything I want.
After leaving my student's at 8:30, I got on a bus in hope to get to Bookman before it closes at 9:00. Well, they did have it. But they only had the first two of the trilogy in the old edition, and the last two of the trilogy in the new edition. There was no way I was going to just read one book of a trilogy!
I wouldn't give up.
I ran to Eslite and searched and searched. Couldn't find a single copy! I asked the lady, and even told her the wrong Chinese translation. When she found the info I asked her to look for, she told me there wasn't a copy. In fact, there wasn't a single copy in any of the Eslite branches.
What the....?
You guys are ESLITE!
So I had to run back to Bookman within five minutes in hope they had a copy hidden somewhere. Nope.
I went home empty-handed.
But isn't this unbelievable?
Eslite!? Not having a single copy of the Golden Compass?
回到家第一件事情就是開電腦!連上博客來!結果差點又找不到。有些網頁竟然開不起來。後來終於讓我買到了一整到+收納盒的His Dark Materials三部曲。算算,還比在書林買三本便宜。
The first thing I did when I got home that night was to check After a few agonizing trials, I finally found what I had been looking for. His Dark Materials trilogy. In a box.
While I wait, I had to first, finish my last chapter of Walden.
The box set arrived on Saturday!
My next mission is to finish, at least the Golden Compass, before I run to the theater and watch the movie.
1. 旁聽的原因是因為我當時學分已滿。而且又不想再增加自己的壓力,卻又很想上這們課。有趣的是,我這旁聽的好像還比有休學分的認真、有興趣說!
2. 一部電影如果沒辦法讓我寫出一篇感想,我就不會想再看第二次。即使是很爛或是我不喜歡的電影,只要可以讓我有足夠的靈感寫一篇感想其實也算是不錯的了。最糟糕的就是那種看完完全沒感想的電影....