If you are a JRR Tolkien or CS Lewis fan, you will, no doubt, have heard of this place before. Yes. The last stop we decided to make during our Oxford day trip was to make a pilgrimage to the place where the Inklings would have their regular meet ups.
托爾金(魔戒三部曲)迷或是CS路易斯(納尼亞傳奇)迷應該都會知道這個地方的。是的!牛津一日遊的最後一站,我們選擇來這裡朝聖。這裡就是The Inklings常常聚會的所在地!
天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
目前分類:【英格蘭】牛津 Oxford (4)
- Jun 01 Fri 2012 16:13
【牛津】The Eagle and Child - 魔戒與納尼亞迷朝聖點
- May 29 Tue 2012 15:06
拉德特立夫圖書館 - 牛津地標 Radcliffe Camera - landmark of Oxford.
- May 22 Tue 2012 16:59
Well, I guess the Titanic fever has died down already. But no matter. Actually, I can't remember the name of this pub, that is, if I knew the name at all at one time or another. We came here to meet up with a friend. It was the friend who brougt us here. Apparently, it's quite a famous pub.
- May 16 Wed 2012 12:34
這是我2010年旅遊英國三周的最後一站 - 牛津。這一站有一位摯友相伴,讓我這次在英國旅遊的最後一站充滿了言語無法表達出的意義。在拜訪了劍橋之後,牛津似乎也就成為了必逛之地。兩者比起來,我比較喜歡牛津。不知道是不是因為造訪牛津時,那不太做美的天空,讓整座城市多了點灰暗,照射出我內心對於這塊土地不捨的心情。或許是因為這樣,比起烈陽高照下的劍橋,反而是牛津比較深得我心。
This was the last stop of my 2010 three-week travel in the UK. I had the pleasure of having a good friend as my company this time, adding a bit more melancholic delight to this last stop of mine. After seeing Cambridge, it became obviously that Oxford was also a must-visit. I think I prefer Oxford. I'm thinking it's because of the almost-grey cloud that gives it a sort of melancholic touch that makes it even more attractive than the sunny Cambridge I saw.