天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
目前分類:【泰國】清邁 Chiang Mai (25)
- Nov 17 Tue 2015 12:02
【清邁】食記 - 清邁最好吃的海南雞飯
- Aug 10 Mon 2015 13:10
【清邁】食記 - 為了懷舊但味道卻不如前的雲南新友飯店之「蟲蟲」危機
- Mar 24 Tue 2015 13:24
【清邁】遊記 - Maethaeng Elephant Park 三部曲之午餐&午後竹筏趣
- Mar 18 Wed 2015 08:58
【清邁】遊記 - Maethaeng Elephant Park 三部曲之騎大象坐牛車
Let's hop on and start our elephant ride!
- Mar 11 Wed 2015 13:27
【清邁】 遊記 - Maethaeng Elephant Park 三部曲之大象表演
- Mar 06 Fri 2015 13:23
【清邁】遊記 - Wat Phra That Doi Suthep 蘇貼寺(雙龍廟)วัดพระธาตุดอยสุเทพ
วัดพระธาตุดอยสุเทพ Wat Phra That 位於 Suthep山上。我想是個觀光客都很熟悉的景點。這次的懷舊之旅,因為帶著從來沒來過清邁的老公(當時還是未婚夫),所以把這裡也規劃了進行程中。
Wat Phra That is located on Suthep Mountain. (Doi being 'mountain' in Thai). This is a rather popular site of attraction, so I'm sure many would be familiar with the place. As my husband (fiance at the time) had never been to Chiang Mai before, I planned this into our itinerary.
- Oct 03 Fri 2014 09:43
【清邁】遊記 - 康托克帝王餐宴 Khantoke (ขันโตก) Dinner at Chiang Mai Old Cultural Center Part II
See previous article 上篇:【清邁】遊記 - 康托克帝王餐宴 Khantoke (ขันโตก) Dinner at Chiang Mai Old Cultural Center Part I
- Sep 29 Mon 2014 09:07
【清邁】食記 - 康托克帝王餐宴 Khantoke (ขันโตก) Dinner at Chiang Mai Old Cultural Center Part I
- Sep 01 Mon 2014 09:58
【清邁】遊記 - 購物的好去處 Walking Street ถนนคนเดินเชียงใหม่
上次文中提到的泰國傳統藝術照[點入看舊文]就位於曾幾何時清邁最熱鬧的夜市裏頭。不過就在第一天晚上跟友人吃飯時,她就提醒我,現在的Night Bazaar已經不比從前了!東西不多,還是一樣貴,人群也逐漸變少了。現在只能拿來騙騙不知情的旅客。而現在正夯的,則是位於Thapae城門周圍的Walking Street。朋友再三叮囑我一定要去!把我們載回飯店的一路上說了一共有十次之多吧!既然這麼堅持,我們當然是要來看看!
The last Chiang Mai article I posted was about the photo shoot in traditional Thai clothing [click to see]. The place was located within the 'night bazaar'. Upon dinner on the night of our first arrival, my friend told me that we might as well skip the night bazaar. There were not as many vendors, and the stuff sold there were still just as expensive (rip off). The place to go now, was the Walking Street by the Thapae Gate of the moat. During the drive back to the hotel, my friend must've said ten times that we simply must go there! So, there was absolutely no reason why we should skip this so-called 'Walking Street'.
其實從原本的Night Bazaar走過來路途並不遠。天仙從小在這習慣被車子載,而且都有人帶路自己不用記路。好在天仙的方向感還算不錯!憑著記憶帶著當時還是未婚夫的老公走了過來,一看才知道:不得了了!真的熱鬧極了!
- Aug 18 Mon 2014 10:47
【清邁】食記 - 老字號的英式pub之Red Lion的晚餐
- Jul 30 Wed 2014 10:00
【清邁】食記 - 小時候常來吃的道地清邁美食 Galae 湖畔餐廳 ร้านอาหารกาแล
Galae湖畔餐廳跟之前介紹過的Ban Yen[點我看舊文]一樣,是個越夜越有氣氛的戶外餐廳。唯一的差別是,這裡好像是沒有live band。(印象中好像沒有)不過勝出Ban Yen的一點就是這間餐廳就位在湖畔!
Galae Restauarant is similar to Ban Yen [see old post] in a few ways. The majority of the seats are outdoors, and the atmosphere gets even better later into the night. However, from what I remember, I don't think there is a live band here. Galae is located by a lake, which is also different from Ban Yen.
- Jul 09 Wed 2014 11:31
【清邁】遊記 - 泰國傳統藝術照(請記得帶卸妝用品!)
這間位於多年前很熱鬧的night bazaar(夜市)。原本也在我們的shopping行程中。不過聽友人提起才知道原來這麼多年來,這裡也逐漸落寞了。除了還可以騙騙不熟清邁的觀光客之外,幾乎是沒什麼人會想要來逛了。不過天仙此行是有任務的,所以還是得來。
- Jun 11 Wed 2014 09:44
【清邁】食記 - 沒吃過別說你來過清邁之khao soi ข้าวซอยเสมอใจฟ้าฮ่าม
來到清邁不可不吃的就是這道出了泰北以後就很難吃到道地口味的咖哩麵(khao soi ข้าวซอย)!Khao soi(又稱泰北金麵)真的是一道泰北的特色菜。有朋友曾經告訴我,他在曼谷吃過,但味道跟清邁的完全不一樣。而這道khao soi也是你在台灣不可能吃的到的泰北菜。
Khao soi is something that you will not find once you leave Northern Thailand. It is a signature dish of Northern Thailand. A friend once told me that he had tried khao soi in Bangkok, and it did not taste the same at all. This is also a dish that you will not find in any of the Thai restaurants in the streets of Taipei!
- May 05 Mon 2014 11:07
【清邁】食記 - Boat Bakery 之回憶的味道 ร้านอาหาร โบ๊ทเบเกอรี่
說到對清邁的童年回憶,就不得不提這間Boat Bakery的早餐了!一份美式早餐(含果汁、吐司、火腿、培根、兩顆蛋以及咖啡)也是以前周末常來享用的早點。這裡就在清邁大學大門口附近。因為住的地方離這裡很近,所以周末就常來吃。老爸老媽有時候早上散步完也會先在這裡享用早餐後才回家。家裡有人生日,這間附設的蛋糕店,也是我們常光顧的店。事隔多年,我朋友說已經不如以往好吃了。但天仙還是想要來回味一下。無論好不好吃,終究是個回憶。
I can't think back about life in Chiang Mai without thinking about Boat Bakery. We used to come here during weekends and enjoy their 'American Breakfast'. The bakery is located right by the main gate of Chiang Mai University, which was close to where we lived. Sometimes my parents would come here after their morning walks, and have breakfast before coming home. When it was someone's birthday, we'd buy birthday cakes from the bakery as well. After all these years, my friend told me that it's not as good as before. I didn't care, though. I still wanted to come... for old time's sake.
- Apr 11 Fri 2014 11:01
【清邁】食記 - 輕鬆享用便宜美食 @ Central Kad Suan Kaew Food Court เซ็นทรัล กาดสวนแก้ว
晚餐去Ban Rai Yarm Yen บ้านไร่ยามเย็น之前,我們抵達旅館後,發現肚子也差不多要空了。從曼谷搭飛機到清邁途中只給了小點心。等到飯店一切安頓好,就步行來到隔壁的購物中心。來趟美食街,先解決空腹問題再回去補眠。
- Mar 21 Fri 2014 11:33
【清邁】食記 - 超級不負責任食記之道地泰北料理 Ban Rai Yarm Yen บ้านไร่ยามเย็น
約好時間以後,接著就在飯店等著人家來接。所以不負責任之一,就是我沒辦法用很專業的方式告訴你這裡要怎麼來。不過如果告訴tuk tuk,(應該)到的了吧!?
I had arranged to meet up with two of my best friends from high school upon my first night in Chiang Mai. I guess it's one of the many things that third-culture kids have to deal with - that you rarely have friends from childhood by your side when you're all grown up! They scatter all over the world once you leave school. Fortunately, these two friends came back to Chiang Mai after having spent a considerable amount of time in Bangkok.
- Feb 19 Wed 2014 13:42
To save our budget, we decided to get a cheap flight, and spend all our money on other stuff. We looked online, and found a flight that was most suitable - leaving on a Friday night (only cost us half a day off on the day), spend the night at the airport, then arrive in Chiang Mai ealry next morning. It was midnight when we arrived at Bangkok, and since the connecting flight was early in the morning, we decided to save that one night's hotel fee. I'd never slept at the airport before. Seeing other people having this experience, I thought it was something worth trying... well, once in a life time is enough, really....
- Feb 13 Thu 2014 16:49
【清邁】住宿 Chiang Mai Orchid 早餐篇
從計畫好要來清邁之前,腦袋裡就已經盤算好要來吃盡道地美食了!所以其實住了這幾晚算下來飯店的早餐我們其實只吃了兩次。那絕對不是因為不好吃,只是行程太多,想吃得太多,胃卻只有小小的一個... (已哭)
Once we made plans to come to Chiang Mai, I already had in mind an entire itinerary for our food adventure. Therefore, we only had breakfast at the hotel twice. But it wasn't because it wasn't good enough. We wished we had more space in our tummies! There were simply way too much to eat!
- Jan 17 Fri 2014 12:16
【泰國】清邁住宿 - Chiang Mai Orchid 雖然老舊但住的舒適又安心
清邁雖不大,但也算是個旅遊觀光聖地。因此住宿選擇也很多。物價雖然不比十幾年前天仙還居住於此的時候,但要跟台灣(或甚至曼谷)比起來,還是可以輕鬆享受高級待遇的。不過隔了這麼多年沒回去,又是第一次沒有老爸可以安排交通,住宿的問題我倒是思考了好久:到底是要選擇豪華一點的(享受一下),還是交通便利為主的呢?位於Huaykaew路上的飯店選擇就很多了。Sri-Tokyo,Kadsuankaew,和這間Chiang Mai Orchid都是天仙居住在此時就已經打響名聲的幾座旅館(Kadsuankaew當時算是新的,但內部裝潢實在很詭異,因此就不考慮)。Chiang Mai Orchid 在天仙還在那時就已經算是老飯店了,現在都已經可以算是祖父級的了。
Chiang Mai is not a big city. But it is a very popular tourist city. Because of that, there are many choices from which you can choose your lodging - from economic guesthouses, all the way to five-star luxurious hotels. Although prices have gone up since I had been living here, it's still pretty low compared to the price ranges in Taiwan (or even Bangkok!). So you can still easily enjoy posh experiences while you're here. This was the first time I was in Chiang Mai without back up. Without my Dad around, I had to figure out transportation on my own. Therefore, I had to choose a lodging that wouldn't be that much of a burden on transportation. On Huay Kaew Road, there were already three places to pick from - Sri-Tokyo, Kadsuankaew, and Chiang Mai Orchid. Kadsuankaew was the newer of the three, but the interior design seemed a bit odd, so that was out of the question. Chiang Mai Orchid was probably the oldest of the three. But it was larger scale hotel than Sri-Tokyo, and was a thriving five-star hotel while I was living there.
- Dec 26 Thu 2013 10:58
It is an important decision to choose which city to visit when you travel to a country for the first time. Many have been to Thailand, I'm sure. Their total land mass is so much bigger than Taiwan, it's not hard to imagine that things would be very different from, say, Bankok to Chiang Mai. Not to mention the Northeast or the beaches and the islands that all have their distinctive features. It's important to think about what you want to get from the trip. Although it's been a very long time since I was last here, Chiang Mai is still a very different place than Bangkok! The people are much nicer, so is the weather! Prices are lower, and the traffic is so much better also! In the north, you get to experience things that you can't find in Bangkok. So don't tell me you've been to Bangkok... You haven't seen the whole of Thailand if you haven't been to Chiang Mai.