This place must look familiar to those who used to attend universities outside of Taipei. This used to be the number one choice for students travelling to Taipei. Mum had some guests to entertain, and they were to stay here for the night. That's how I got a chance to revisit this place!
天仙 x小仙女 x 倫敦熊的後花園
目前分類:【遊記】北臺灣 Northern Taiwan (39)
- Oct 23 Wed 2013 11:02
【台北】住宿 - 大學生組團北上住宿首選之劍潭青年活動中心
- May 04 Fri 2012 14:00
The weather had been horrible for months in the beginning of the year. This had been one of the few weekends that did not have rain. It was because of this, I decided to go on with my day journey. I had never been to Pingxi. It was time to take a look.
- May 01 Tue 2012 14:17
【瑞芳】貓咪.單眼 Cats & 50D
這是我第二次來到侯硐。第一次與友人相伴來到此地,不料天公不作美,因此根本沒見到幾隻貓。這一次,我帶著和朋友借來的50D,再次造訪貓村,除了跟運氣賭賭看能不能見到更多貓,當然也還想要體驗一下代單眼出遊的感覺。不過其實此行,事實上是為了更重要的旅行做準備。有在留意FB專頁的朋友應該都知道倫敦熊在三月中旬時曾經來了一趟幾乎是環島的行程。其實天仙是為了此行而與友人借來他的寶貝50D。不過又怕不熟悉就上戰場,失敗的照片比例會佔太高,因此安排了侯硐.平溪行,來讓自己與這台50D培養一下感情。除了以上第一張照片是用我原本的Lumix FP8拍得,其餘都是用我朋友的50D所捕捉到的畫面。
This is my second trip to Houtong. During my first trip, I was here with friends. Unfortunately, very few cats came out because of the weather. This time, I came preapred - with a DSLR and a determination to win the bet on good weather. I wanted to see a lot more cats than I did last time, and I also wanted to get a grasp of what it feels like to travel with a DSLR. However, this trip was only a precurser for an even more important trip. If you had been following the blog on Facebook, you'll know that in March, London Paddy took a trip that could almost be described as a tour around the island. I didn't want to risk taking too many crappy photos with my friend's 50D, so I organized this one-day trip for practice, and also to see cats, of course! The picture above is the only picture in this article that is taken by my DC Lumix FP8, the rest of them are captured by my friend's DSLR, 50D.
- Jul 15 Fri 2011 09:30
After a very pleasant meal, it was time to burn up some carbs. Our options were limited, however, since the weather was way too hot, and there were four kids with us in the group. The best place to continue our delightful meeting was to head towards the Z.O.O. Yet, I have to say, I always manage to pick the wrong outfits. I had not worn jeans since it started to get hot, but somehow, my genius subconscious told me that I am to wear jeans today. I almost ended up fried...
- Jun 20 Mon 2011 09:31
【台北】淡水 - 單車半日遊(附台南小調食記)
It's been quite a while since I updated articles in this category. I wish I had more time to go places and share the lovely scenes of Taiwan with the world. My friends had wanted me to join them for a cycling outing for a long time. Finally, we had the chance to actually do this. I like cycling. But before this, I had no idea it could be this fun. Especially when I saw the sunset...
- Apr 22 Fri 2011 09:17
【台北】萬華 - 剝皮寮
Even though I had spend some time during my toddlerhood around this neighbourhood, I had no memory whatsoever of this place, or even ever hearing of this place. When I asked my mum, who had been the reason why I had roamed around here, she said she had very little memory of the place as well. The place had been made popular by the movie 'Monga', an award winning movie about gangsters.
雖然小時候曾在這混過,但這個地方我倒是一點印象都沒有。甚至連有沒有聽過的印象都沒有。後來詢問錢媽,他也只問我:是在老松國小後面那邊嗎?但也說沒什麼印象。(因為錢媽太認真上班,照顧小孩了~XD <-- 狗腿的嫌疑)若非電影『艋舺』,這裡會變得像現在這麼有名嗎?
- Apr 21 Thu 2011 13:55
【台北】萬華 - 龍山寺
I'm a frequent visitor of Longshan Temple. I used to roam around this neighbourhood during my toddlerhood. In recent years, the whether had somehow always been gloomy during each of my visits. Finally, on this day, the glorious sun was out, and I decided to try something different with my photos.
- Jan 02 Sun 2011 19:23
Five...four...three...two...one!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
- Nov 19 Fri 2010 08:50
I had waited for many years for a chance to visit the Lin Family Mansion and Garden. I had heard about its beauty, seen pictures that people had taken, and longed for a chance to visit the place myself. Finally, on this day, I got a chance to see the beauty of Chinese traditional architecture with my own eyes.
- Sep 17 Fri 2010 11:34
This is the world famous Chiufen. It is the setting of the famous film 'City of Sadness', one, I had to admit, I had only seen once at a time when I had not yet learned how to appreciate it. Travellers from Taiwan and abroad love to come here. Although many complain that the place has become way too commercialised, to me, some things will never change - the innate historical and cultural atmosphere hidden within.
- Sep 15 Wed 2010 10:35
After having toured around two different Japanese style houses, we were ready to experience what it was like being miners in this area. I was quite impressed with what they had done with the place. The place was well organized, and clearly shows that a lot of effort had been put into making the place a world-class tourist attraction.
- Sep 13 Mon 2010 08:53
I think I have been to Jinguashi once before. It was way back during the ignorant days. So my memory of it was very vague. There were three of us out here on this day. We were escorting a very dear friend of mine that I had made in Liverpool - a Singaporean with whom I worked with as student ambassadors. My other friend was also a fellow Liverpodlian student, so the three of us got along really well.
- May 13 Thu 2010 12:22
Obviously, we wouldn't have left the place without seeing at least one cat! Although we didn't get to see as many as we had expected, the ones we saw were really, really, really adorable!!
- May 10 Mon 2010 12:31
This is a story about three women and their spontaneous trip to a cat-village called Hou-tong.
- Oct 08 Wed 2008 00:04
*The following article is a recount of the second part of our trip to Wu-lai.
Before making our way to the waterfall, we had already checked around to see if any of the hot spring hotels had sauna rooms. It turned out that none of them had saunas. Eventually, we decided to throw our money to the one that was most pleasant while introducing their facilities.
在走上去瀑布之前,我們就已經先四處看看有沒有『烤箱』的溫泉。[ 因為某人特愛烤箱...不是考麵包的烤箱喔!]結果事實證明,烏來的湯屋真的只是湯屋。坐台車回來之後,回到當初比較親切的一間。看了他們的設備,因為覺得他們待人親切,以及友善的服務態度讓我們決定就是這家!
- Apr 21 Mon 2008 23:49
【北台灣】指南宮 - 圖多
- Apr 18 Fri 2008 11:23
- Apr 11 Fri 2008 22:12
【北台灣】鶯歌半日遊 + 猜猜看 [補:解答]
- Mar 09 Sun 2008 23:43
