Whether you are a dilettante, or a scholar-to-be, the basics of the history is an unavoidable route to a more elevated level of understanding English literature. However, different books on the history of English literature suite different purposes. This article sets out to share the three different books I have encountered as so it might provide a guideline for those of you in search of one suitable for your own reading.
Basic: An Outline of English Literature
G.C. Thornley, Nora Roberts [Longman]
G.C. Thornley, Nora Roberts [Longman]
This outline of English literature briefly sums up the whole of English literature from Beowulf to modern literature. Since it only consists of around 200 pages, one cannot expect more than the basic information on the historical backgrounds of the different literature periods, and extremely short commentaries on only the most relevant writers and poets.
I recommend this book to average readers who wish to gain a better understanding of English literature. The language is clear and can be easily understood.
I recommend this book to average readers who wish to gain a better understanding of English literature. The language is clear and can be easily understood.
購買 An Outline of English Literature [書林 定價$420]
Intermediate: History of English Literature
Martin S. Day [Originally Doubleday & Company, Reprinted by Bookman Books]
Martin S. Day [Originally Doubleday & Company, Reprinted by Bookman Books]
I found in Bookman, Taipei, three books of this same series: to 1600; 1600~1837; 1831 to Present Day. Though the binding looked cheap, and the price was amazingly affordable, I took my chances. This series turned out to be my favorite of the three histories of English literature introduced here.
The reason for that, is because it is extremely well organized; provides an extensive historical, cultural, and linguistic background to each and every literary period; and the language is sophisticated but simple. The only flaw I found during the peruse of this series is the lack of pictorial references. It would be extremely helpful if the series included maps and more visual references. The only visual references in the series can be found in the section on William Shakespeare, where there are diagrams of the Elizabethan theater.
This series can be extremely helpful to college students acquiring their first degree in English literature, those who are preparing for a masters program in any area of literature, but also average readers who wish to gain a better understanding of English literature through history.
History of English Literature to 1660 [Beowulf, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton...]
History of English Literature 1660~1837 [Restoration to Romantic Literature]
History of English Literature 1837~ Present [from Victorian Lit to present day...]
[書林 定價$300]
The reason for that, is because it is extremely well organized; provides an extensive historical, cultural, and linguistic background to each and every literary period; and the language is sophisticated but simple. The only flaw I found during the peruse of this series is the lack of pictorial references. It would be extremely helpful if the series included maps and more visual references. The only visual references in the series can be found in the section on William Shakespeare, where there are diagrams of the Elizabethan theater.
This series can be extremely helpful to college students acquiring their first degree in English literature, those who are preparing for a masters program in any area of literature, but also average readers who wish to gain a better understanding of English literature through history.
History of English Literature to 1660 [Beowulf, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton...]
History of English Literature 1660~1837 [Restoration to Romantic Literature]
History of English Literature 1837~ Present [from Victorian Lit to present day...]
[書林 定價$300]
Advanced: The Oxford Illustrated History of English Literature
Pat Rogers [Oxford University Press]
Pat Rogers [Oxford University Press]
Though this have the highest credibility of the three, I have found it difficult to understand, due to its fancy writing style. Nevertheless, this is THE history of English literature that every student of literature must read and/or own. It is abundantly accompanied by colorful pictures that provide helpful visual references.
I must also mention that although I chose to share the illustrated version, you might want to try and find an older copy by the same author, published by the same publisher, simply called 'An Outline of English Literature.' Without the fancy pictures, the price is reduced to a more affordable one for students. However, I believe this edition is out of print, and can no longer be purchased. The other copy I have is the paperback version[as shown in the picture above], which costs about twice the previously mentioned one. There is also a hardcover version which amounts to twice or even three times the paperback version. The hardcover one would be a nice one to have on a bookshelf, but the information is exactly the same, and there is no reason why one should spend a fortune just to own a more extravagant copy.
在這我也必須分享ㄧ下,這本書我有兩個版本。一個是上面圖片中的那一本。另外一個是同一個作家,同一個出版社,卻少了圖片的 An Outline of English Literature。少了圖片,價錢也少了一半。另外一提:圖片中所顯示的是普通版本的。不過據我所知,應該已經絕版,買不到了。能買到真是有夠幸運!另外還有精裝版,不過跟普通紙封面的比起來,價錢又差了整整一兩倍!所以如果你是想要拿來佈置你的書櫃,那精裝版的的確是比較有看頭。不過既然內容一模一樣,實在沒有必要奢侈到花兩倍的價錢去買一本精裝版的。
購買 The Oxford Illustrated History of English Literature [書林 定價$1020]
I must also mention that although I chose to share the illustrated version, you might want to try and find an older copy by the same author, published by the same publisher, simply called 'An Outline of English Literature.' Without the fancy pictures, the price is reduced to a more affordable one for students. However, I believe this edition is out of print, and can no longer be purchased. The other copy I have is the paperback version[as shown in the picture above], which costs about twice the previously mentioned one. There is also a hardcover version which amounts to twice or even three times the paperback version. The hardcover one would be a nice one to have on a bookshelf, but the information is exactly the same, and there is no reason why one should spend a fortune just to own a more extravagant copy.
在這我也必須分享ㄧ下,這本書我有兩個版本。一個是上面圖片中的那一本。另外一個是同一個作家,同一個出版社,卻少了圖片的 An Outline of English Literature。少了圖片,價錢也少了一半。另外一提:圖片中所顯示的是普通版本的。不過據我所知,應該已經絕版,買不到了。能買到真是有夠幸運!另外還有精裝版,不過跟普通紙封面的比起來,價錢又差了整整一兩倍!所以如果你是想要拿來佈置你的書櫃,那精裝版的的確是比較有看頭。不過既然內容一模一樣,實在沒有必要奢侈到花兩倍的價錢去買一本精裝版的。
購買 The Oxford Illustrated History of English Literature [書林 定價$1020]
Picture source: My aNobii Online Bookshelf