It doesn't snow here in Liverpool.
It doesn't snow here in Liverpool.
It doesn't snow here in Liverpool.
Friends that have lived here for several years kept on telling me not to expect snow here in Liverpool. What I had seen until now, could hardly be qualified as 'snow'.
這些照片是十一月底 or 十二月初的時候看到整片草原結霜的景色。當時看到已經覺得很美了。因為我心中還是一直想著:『利物浦不會下雪!』所以看到這種景色,已經很滿足了。
These pictures were taken around the end of November or the beginning of December. It was the first time I had noticed frost covering the grass in the mornings. At the time, I thought that was impressive enough, because I didn't think it would actually snow in Liverpool.
I did see a bit of snow on New Year's Eve and the day after, and justified that as 'having seen snow'.
Who would have thought....
After a traumatic domestic accident in the bathroom this morning, I thought the day was only going to get worse because on top of that, I believed that I was not well rested. When I had finally gotten out of the halls, drank my coffee, and made it to the library, I realised that I was unable to concentrate. Because I kept on thinking about that unfortunate accident that ruined my morning. Just then, my classmate, who was sitting next to me, told me to turn around and look outside the window: IT WAS SNOWING!
I left the computer screen (for that was where I was sitting) and found a couch next to a large window to sit at and stared at the snow for a solid twenty minutes whilst listening to Beethoven's Pastoral. It was officially my first snow! I cannot tell you how excited I was! I was unwilling to leave because I know how rare this is for Liverpool. I also believe that because it is my first snow, I know that I will never be as excited as I was then. That was what kept me on that couch.
Nevertheless, it is still not cold enough here. I don't know if it's a good thing or not. For one thing, it means that I will not have to worry about keeping warm too much, for the weather is actually quite pleasant, even at its lowest temperature. For another, once the snow falls, it immediately turns to slush and makes it difficult to walk.
不過對我來說,這終究又是一個難的的『初體驗』。就算路再怎麼難走,我也走的樂在其中。想想,若是選了個每天都下雪的城市,我會不會馬上就開始討厭雪了呢?還是那句老話:Everything happens for a reason。我還是堅信著,利物浦是個再適合我也不過的城市了!
Despite all that, it is, after all, my very first experience with snow. However difficult it is to walk, I will walk on, with pleasure. Think about it. If I had chosen to live in a place where it snowed every day during the winter, wouldn't I come to hate snow very soon? You have to believe by now that everything happens for a reason. I still believe that there is no better place for me than Liverpool itself!
碎碎念:【愛丁堡】Edinburgh Casstle 下篇 你看過了沒??