
Concering application process.

1. 申請截止日是什麼時候?
When is the deadline for application?


Most of the programmes commence around the end of September.  There is no specific deadline before which you must hand in all your forms.  It is strongly recommended, however, that you start preparing all the necessary document some time around March and April, to ensure that the university will have enough time to process the necessary steps for granting you a place.

2. 有什麼獎學金可以申請?
What scholarships are available?

每一位得到offer的國際學生將會無條件得到學費£1,000的減免優惠。其他獎學金申請條件請參考:Postgraduate Scholarships.

All international students will receive a £1,000 discount off their tuition fee.  For other scholarships available, please see the university website: Postgraduate Scholarships.

3. 入學條件有哪些?如果英語程度沒有達到入學標準怎麼辦?
What are the entry requirements?  What happens if I do not reach the English requirement?

不同的科系有不同的申請標準。基本上第一學位的平均成績要求差不多在70%以上。而語言方面的要求則是IELTS在6.5左右;TOEFL (Paper 570), (IBT 88). 如果您只有英文成績未達入學標準,學校將會給您conditional offer,必要求您在課程開始前上四到八星期的語言課程。

Entry requirement may vary from department to department.  The general requirement is that the average grade of your first degree is above 70%, and that your English proficiency is above these bands: IELTS 6.5; TOEFL (Paper based 570), (IBT 88).  If the only requirement you cannot meet is your English ability, the university will grant you a conditional offer, and ask that you attend our presessional English programme for four to eight weeks prior to the commencement of your course.

4. 申請入學需要準備哪些資料?
What documents do I need to prepare in order to apply?

1. 大學以下畢業證書或成績單
2. 大學成績單
3. 學位證書
4. 英語測驗證書
5. Personal Statement
6. 兩封推薦函
7. 財力證明
8. 若您是申請 MPhil/PhD/MD 須附上研究計畫書

These are the documents you need to provide along with your application form:
1.School or college transcripts/certificates
2. University transcripts
3. Degree certificates
4. English language certificates (EU/International applicants only)
5. Personal statement
6. Two references
7. Proof of funding
8. Research proposal (for MPhil/PhD/MD applicants only)

5. 我已經拿到了offer。那要如何跟校方確認呢?
I have been offered a place, what do I need to do to confirm my acceptance?

如果您已經收到校方寄給您的offer letter,建議您可以等候校方寄送offer pack。內將會附上acceptance letter。填完以後寄回給校方就完成了確認手續。若是想要提早確認,也可詢問您科系的指導教授或是連絡人以email的方式寄送該表格給您,您再以電子檔的方式回傳即可。

If you have already received your offer letter, you can wait for the university to send out an offer pack.  An acceptance letter form will be included in the pack.  Send it back to your department once you have filled it out, and that will complete your confirmation process.  Otherwise, you can also email your department contact or the director of your programme to request an electronic form of the acceptance letter.  You can, then, send it back to your department through email.

Concerning your course.

尋找Postgraduate課程 [Taught courses]

For Undergraduates
For Postgraduagtes

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    天仙 (Celeste)

    il Giardino Romantico

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