

The first place to visit on our second day itinerary, was Anne Hathaway's Cottage.  We departed after we enjoyed a lovely breakfast prepared by Pascal.  From the maps and Pascal's word, it would take about 5-6 minutes to walk from the B&B to our destination.  If you like walking while you travel, you would probably understand, that when you have no idea where the destination is, even a few minutes walk would seem like a couple of hours.

We had been very lucky on our frist day.  There was barely any rain.  This second day was a little different, though.  There were two reasons that made the walk seem extra long: 1. we had all our belongings with us, as I came up with this brilliant idea in order to save us a trip back to the B&B before boarding the train back; 2. it had started to rain since we got up.  Although Stratford-upon-Avon in the rain seemed just as pleasant and enjoyable, it did affect one's journey, especially when there were hardly any shelter along the way.

When we were half way there, we saw a cottage, and mistook that as the cottage.  I know we must have seen pictures of the cottage more than a dozen times, but this just shows you how desperate we were to get to it.



就當我們走到一半時,我們看到了一棟房子。其實Anne Hathaway的小木屋的圖片不知道看過幾百次了,但由於我們太想抵達,因此這間可愛的房子就被我們誤認為是目的地。接近了之後才肯承認我們認錯了。

Although it wasn't 'the' cottage, still pretty cute, don't you reckon?
雖然不是Anne Hathaway's Cottage,但還是很可愛吧!

Finally, we arrived at the cottage.  We were satisfied with every place we visited in Stratford.  However, because of the grey sky, it might seem a little gloomy.  Please don't be misled by the colour of the sky.  Whether in the sun, under dark clouds, or in the rain, the cottage creates different atmospheres, but all of them just as enjoyable as the other.

終於,我們抵達了真正的Anne Hathaway's Cottage。基本上,如同在Stratford-upon-Avon所有的行程,我們都覺得很滿足。但是或許照片中灰暗的天空,顯得此行少了點歡樂。所以大家可別被照片給騙了。其實無論是晴天、陰天、雨天,應該都可以帶給來訪者不同的感覺。


Now, some of you may start to wonder: who is this Anne Hathaway, and what exactly does the house have to do with Shakespeare?  Well, Shakespeare didn't actually live in this house.  However, being the most important writer of the English language, scholars tend to grab at everything that is related to him.  Anne Hathaway was Shakespeare's wife.  Undoubtedly, by studying the house, and finding out the way the Hathaways lived, gave scholars a slightly clearer idea about a part of Shakespeare's life.  Although it is called a 'cottage', at the time, it was pretty lavish for a farmhouse.

When you come for a visit, provided the weather is not too bad, you might want to take some time and walk around the garden around the cottage, and see what kind of plants people at the time might have in their gardens.

不過寫到這,是不是似乎有人開始想要問:Anne Hathaway是誰?這間屋子跟莎士比亞又有什麼關係?雖然莎士比亞本身是沒有居住在這間屋子,但是由於Anne Hathaway是莎士比亞的妻子。因此任何能夠提供關於大文豪當時生活的遺跡,都被視為很重要的。這間屋子也是如此。從探索Hathaway家庭以及屋子,學者希望能夠延伸對文豪更深入的了解。這間雖然被稱為『小木屋』的屋子,實際上對當時的人來說,已經算是中上等的住家了。



Jst like all the other tourist attractions, the giftshop is always a great way to end your visit.  See the cute little cottage-shaped tea pot?  Doesn't that make you want to own one?



Shakespeare's insult made into magnets.  You might like to hand some out to people you don't like?  I reckon this is the most classy way of insulting people.


Miniature sculptures of Shakespeare.

And of course, I finally made my souvenir penny.  This cottage is included in the Five Houses online ticket.  If you purchase this, even if you don't get to see all of them, it's still a better deal than buying seperate tickets.  Highly recommended!

最後,我當然也在此製作了屬於我自己的紀念硬幣。Anne Hathaway's Cottage,同樣也算在Five-House ticket內。一張玩到底。看不完也不會覺得可惜。天仙大力推薦喔!

Anne Hathaway's Cottage
Shakespeare Houses Ticket


    創作者 天仙 (Celeste) 的頭像
    天仙 (Celeste)

    il Giardino Romantico

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