Annie Princess was our next stop. By the time we got here, we were all quite tired. It is another one of those places where portrait pictures can be taken. But as my old camera is not very good at taking pictures of people, I didn't bother to take too many photos.
Cat plant pot.
Plant name tags
'Flowers' in a garden
Popular photo shooting area
A scene inside the restaurant
Because we weren't given much time to linger here anyway, we've decided not to wait in the long queue for food. The place was completely packed with people. By the time we ordered and got our food, we would probably have to go. Thus we decided to wait until we get to our next destination - Summit Resort.
Also, the light started to slowly slip away. Another thing my camera is not very good at, is taking shots without the sun. That is why I also ended up taking very few photos here. But for us, the most important mission here, is to eat!
Chicken set meal.
My fish set meal.
There is nothing special about the meal here. Edible, and acceptable, but we suspect these are all pre-cooked and heated on the spot meals. As we were practically starving by the time we got here, it was sufficient to fill out tummies with morsels.
After we finished our meal, we still managed to take a short walk around the place. The place was built to mimic European castles and what not. Even though I have seen some real castles before, I don't think this is a bad idea at all, for the satisfaction of people who have never seen one before.
最後,因為回程車潮多,我們在等接駁車的時候又跑去莊園大門對面販賣杏鮑菇的地方買了鹽酥菇來吃。其實前幾篇貼出來的菇料理裡面用到的杏鮑菇就是在那兒買的。不過沒沒圖沒真相。要真相,請麻煩找機會自己去~ 這莊園對面的鹽酥菇,是我們三人有生以來吃過最好吃的!!好吃當然有義務要幫忙宣傳一下。來,這家好吃到不行的鹽酥菇就是—天~下~第~一~菇~~~!!!
天仙念:乎~ 終於又寫完一個系列了。偽城堡寫完,接下來要寫真城堡了~