This may not seem to be a special pub, but to some, it is. I choose to end the Canterbury entries with the Dolphin, because even until today, I recall the fun we had that night.
Pimm's I think. 飲料不能少~
Board games are never boring with the right people.
好玩的遊戲(英文board game /bored game是雙關語喔~)
Cute little token 可愛的小狗狗
Here's how the game goes. You team up with someone, and you have to try and make them say the word on top, Charm, for instance. While you're giving out hints and clues, the list of words at the bottom are the words you're not suppose to say. That night I discovered that my training as an English teacher really helped my convey my ideas, but I'm not really good at guessing...
Food, drinks, games, and last but definitely not least - F.R.I.E.N.D.S.