Westminster Bridge was built in 1862. Most people know it from the sonnet 'Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802' by the Romantic Poet Laureate, William Wordsworth. Although the surrounding area now, is not quite as picturesque as the sight Wordsworth had seen during his time, the walk over the bridge, I'm sure, continues to be rather pleasant and enjoyable.
西敏橋建造於1862年。學過英國文學的應該都有聽過浪漫時期桂冠詩人William Wordsworth所寫的十四行詩"Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 2, 1802'. 雖然現今的面貌一定不比當時詩人看到的還要詩情畫意,不過步行在橋上仍然是件很不錯的體驗呢!
What's up with the limo? 這是怎麼一回事?
What's going on? Is the Queen passing by? Some celeb?
What do you think is going on? 你覺得是發生什麼事了呢?
Turns out, it was a protest... 原來是禮車租借業的在抗議...
With Big Ben on the one end of the bridge, and London Eye on the other end, Westminster Bridge, like all bridges, creates a link - a link that connects history and the modern.
But actually, you'll been fooled... This is Scotland...