I left Liverpool as a poor international student, with very little money at my disposal (probably because I used most of it on booze). Anyhow, this time I returned as a tourist who had enough budget to try out new things. One of the regrets I had, I guess, was not having explored some of the restaurants on Bold Street. This Uncle Sam was one of them. I guess I chose this one, to reminisce two dear friends of mine whose names were, coincidentally, both Sam.
當年在利物浦過著一整年的窮學生生活。如果真要說遺憾,大概就是當年沒能有足夠的經費到處品嘗Bold Street上的美味吧!(經費不足也可能是因為都花在酒上面了*溜*)所以這次回去,雖然也不算富裕,但至少是個經費足夠的旅客。這次就可以嚐嚐不同的東西囉。我想我會選擇這間Uncle Sam,也剛好是因為當年伴我留學的兩位好友剛好都叫Sam。想說來這裡可以想想他們~
It must have been around three, or some time in the afternoon. There weren't many people around.
I ordered fish, of course! This is the way I like it - with lots of fresh veggies.
It was a quiet meal, but a very satisfying one. I should've tried out this place sooner!
天仙念:所以其實fish and chips我只愛fish,chips倒是還好咧!