Every time you arrive at a new and unexplored place, there is a mixture of excitement, and anxiety of it being a let-down. Especially, when you visit a popular place, it's easy to have high expectations and your mind wanders off in its own imagination of what the place would be like. A single traveller, treading gently, enjoying every moment in solitude. Because in this new place, you yourself is the one with whom you are most intimate.
The ambiguity between the unknown and the familiar makes you anxious - what to expect? But it's also because of this mysterious ambiguity, that adds a bit more spice to this already exciting experience.
I am alone in this unfamiliar city. I look out the window, and watch the passersby walk to and fro.
Then a taste of familiarity reminds me - I am by myself, and all the experience is mine, and mine only.
On the surface it seems like I had never known the city, because I had never been here before.
But in actuality, it probably thinks I am its most familiar visitor.
Yes. Let me indulge myself in the journey of finding myself.
No matter how many books are read, reread, and reread again, our greatest desire remains to be able to find ourselves.
Find peace in the midst of all the clamour. Find the familiar in the midst of all the unknown.
Be conscious while intoxicated.
Find the best out of the most ordinary.
If I had a choice, I wouldn't let it end. But all good things must come to an end.
And alas, when I left, it was not just a single cloud that I took with me, but the entire sky.
天仙念: 因為有太多美好得回憶,因為太過重視,知道不能輕描淡寫的敷衍過去,所以每當我要起筆,卻是更加的困難。不知道該怎麼寫,才能表達出你在我心中的地位。潛意識一直在告訴自己:永遠都不要起筆,結束的那天就不會到來。可是我知道,天下沒有不散的筵席。英國遊記,有一天還是得劃下句點。